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Search results for sigma,14 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,14
Translated headword: Sangarios, Sangarius
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A river of
Lydia and
[It is recorded] that Gaius the Roman consul traversing bridged the river Sangarius, while it was completely dry[2] and hard to cross, and camped beside the river itself.[3]
Greek Original:*sagga/rios: potamo\s *ludi/as kai\ *frugi/as. o(/ti *ga/i+os o( u(/patos *(rwmai/wn dierxo/menos e)gefu/rwse to\n *sagga/rion potamo/n, tele/ws koi=lon o)/nta kai\ du/sbaton, kai\ par' au)to\n to\n potamo\n e)stratopedeu/sato.
[1] The present-day Sakarya; Barrington Atlas map 3 grid B2; OCD4 s.v.
[2] For this meaning (or implication) of the adjective
koilos cf.
Thucydides 7.84.4. An alternative way to construe it here is "with deep banks".
[3] The quotation is slightly modified from
Polybius 21.37.4, on events of 189 BCE: a group of Galloi (eunuchs) arrive from celebrating the rites of the Great Mother at
Pessinus and are hospitably entertained by the Roman commander Gnaeus (
sic) Manlius Vulso. (The name is correct, and the quotation longer, at
gamma 41.)
Keywords: biography; definition; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Robert Dyer on 17 May 2000@08:28:04.
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