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Search results for sigma,1364 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1364
Translated headword: accident; occurrence; what happens to
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning that] which comes into being and ceases from being, without the destruction of the subject. How does the hectic fever destroy the body if it is unambiguously accidental? They say that [this problem] is solved from what has just been said. For it is possible to say that the fever is not accidental, and not an alteration of the subject either, but a heat contrary to nature that dissolves the harmony of the living being.
Greek Original:*sumbebhko/s: o(\ gi/netai kai\ a)pogi/netai xwri\s th=s tou= u(pokeime/nou fqora=s. pw=s o( e(ktiko\s pureto\s kata\ sumbebhko\s a)namfibo/lws w)\n fqei/rei to\ sw=ma; e)k tw=n prosexw=s ei)rhme/nwn lu/esqai/ fasin. e)/sti ga\r ei)pei=n, o(/ti ou)k e)/sti sumbebhko\s o( pureto/s, a)ll' ou)de\ a)lloi/wsis tou= u(pokeime/nou, a)lla\ para\ fu/sin qermo/ths dialutikh\ th=s a(rmoni/as tou= zw/|ou.
Keywords: definition; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 2 October 2002@01:34:18.
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