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Search results for sigma,1355 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1355
Translated headword: to give, to lend; to reckon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to give a share/distribute, to lend.[1] "Then he said that [the women] give/lend to one another outer-garments, gold, silver, drinking-cups, only being amongst themselves, with no other witnesses."[2]
"But no one had [sc. the capacity] to reckon what happened."[3] Meaning to grasp [it].[4]
Greek Original:*sumba/llein: metadido/nai, kixra=n. e)/peita sumba/llein pro\s a)llh/las e)/fh, i(ma/tia, xrusi/on, a)rgu/rion, e)kpw/mata, mo/nas mo/nais, ou) martu/rwn g' e)nanti/on. sumbalei=n ou)dei\s ei)=xe to\ geno/menon. a)nti\ tou= noh=sai.
The headword, extracted from the first quotation given, is present active infinitive of
sumba/llw (for which verb cf.
sigma 1354,
sigma 1356, and
xi 100). The supplementary quotation includes the aorist active infinitive.
[1] Source for the gloss is a scholion (Dindorf 297.18) on
Ecclesiazusae 446; see next note. The present active infinitive
kixra=n seems to be rare, at least in this form. See LSJ s.v.
kixra/w; cf. LSJ s.v.
xra/w B.I.
[2] An approximation of
Ecclesiazusae 446-448 (web address 1).
[3] Adler suggests Symeon Metaphrastes (PG 114-116) as a possible source.
[4] After the initial gloss, the entire entry is lacking, Adler reports, in ms F, while A omits
noh=sai. Ms G has
o(rw/menon "seen" instead of
geno/menon "happened."
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: Christianity; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; food; poetry; women
Translated by: Joseph Carter on 14 June 2014@16:24:14.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (expanded note, cosmetics, status) on 15 June 2014@01:30:18.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 16 June 2014@09:09:40.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added a link) on 30 April 2022@00:55:43.
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