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Headword: *summaqei=n
Adler number: sigma,1352
Translated headword: to have learned along with, to share in knowledge
Vetting Status: high
As if having learned what has happened. [sc. Sophocles means] no place knows me, but in vain I went around; or meaning to have taught, to have led into knowledge of what is being sought. Sophocles [writes]: "and no place understands that I have shared in knowledge."[1]
Also [sc. attested is the related participle] summaqo/nti ["to/for one who had learned along with, had become used to"], [meaning] to/for one having become accustomed. "And the drink from barley was altogether pleasant for one who had become used to it."[2]
Greek Original:
*summaqei=n: oi(=on memaqhko/ta to\ gegono/s. ou)dei/s me oi)=de to/pos, a)lla\ ma/thn perih=lqon: h)\ a)nti\ tou= dida/cai, ei)s ma/qhsin a)gagei=n tou= zhtoume/nou. *sofoklh=s: kou)dei\s e)pi/statai/ me summaqei=n to/pos. kai\ *summaqo/nti, suneqisqe/nti. kai\ pa/nu h(du\ h)=n summaqo/nti to\ po/ma to\ e)k kriqw=n.
The primary headword, aorist infinitive of the compound verb summanqa/nw, is extracted from the first quotation given.
[1] Sophocles, Ajax 869 (a lyric passage), with scholion.
[2] Xenophon, Anabasis 4.5.27, about beer or barley-wine.
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; historiography; imagery; poetry; trade and manufacture; tragedy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 24 May 2014@01:01:39.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; tweaking; raised status) on 25 May 2014@04:03:53.


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