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Search results for sigma,1345 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1345
Translated headword: putting-together, deductive argument, syllogism
Vetting Status: high
Translation: From the name itself a 'putting-together' seems to indicate some combination of sentences, just as a voting-together [is a combination] of votes. A deductive argument is a tool to make evident something that does not seem knowable through both some knowable and evident [premises]. And since every tool is useful, then, a deductive argument is useful, too. But every tool that does not supply its own usefulness is removed. A deductive argument is [a set of] premises accompanied by a conclusion.
Greek Original:*sullogismo/s: a)p' au)tou= tou= o)no/matos o( sullogismo\s su/nqesi/n tina lo/gwn e)/oike shmai/nein, w(/sper kai\ o( su/myhfos yh/fwn. o)/rganon de/ e)stin o( sullogismo\s pro\s to\ fanero/n ti poih=sai mh\ dokou=n ei)=nai gnw/rimon dia/ tinwn gnwri/mwn te kai\ fanerw=n. e)pei\ de\ pa=n o)/rganon xrh/simon, kai\ o( sullogismo\s a)/ra xrh/simos. pa=n de\ o)/rganon, o(\ mh\ th\n xrei/an au(tou= pare/xetai, a)nairei=tai. e)/sti de\ sullogismo\s prota/seis meta\ sumpera/smatos.
Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 9.17-19, 22-24, 28-29, 32 - 10.1, 18.8-9.
sigma 1347, the headword seems to appear with a different meaning, but is actually misspelled and should be
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 10 December 2003@19:24:47.
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