[Meaning someone] taking into [his] mind. "But Peisistratos having understood the oracle and saying that he accepted the prophecy [...]."[1]
*sullabw/n: ei)s nou=n labw/n. o( de\ *peisi/stratos sullabw\n to\ xrhsth/rion kai\ fa\s de/kesqai to\ xrhsqe/n.
The headword, presumably extracted from the quotation given, is aorist active participle of
sullamba/nw, masculine nominative singular.
For other senses of the verb, see
xi 92.
Herodotus 1.63.1 (web address 1). For P. see generally
pi 1474 (referring to
sigma 1711). In the present passage the prophecy that P. accepts, from an Acarnanian seer, gives him reason to believe that his third attempt to seize power will be successful -- which it was.
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