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Headword: *su=kon ai)tei=s
Adler number: sigma,1327
Translated headword: you are asking for a fig
Vetting Status: high
[sc. A proverbial phrase] in reference to those who flatter; for the Athenians used to flatter the farmers, wishing to get early figs from them; for they used to be an omen that they would come again for them in the next year.[1]
And again [there is] another proverb: "a fig upon Hermes;" in reference to things that are available for the benefit of those who want them. For when a fig appeared they dedicated it to Hermes, and whoever wanted to would take it.[2]
And [there is] another proverb: "just as the figs grew on your eyes;" in reference to things that hold onto some object inseparably. [He is] calling the tumors figs, or a lesion that occurs upon the eyes. He calls tumors on the eyes a fig, or a lesion that occurs upon the eyes. Aristophanes [writes]: "just as the figs grew on your eyes."[3]
Greek Original:
*su=kon ai)tei=s: e)pi\ tw=n kolakeuo/ntwn: oi( ga\r *)aqhnai=oi e)kola/keuon tou\s gewrgou/s, boulo/menoi par' au)tw=n labei=n prw/i+ma su=ka: oi)wni/zonto ga\r au)toi=s kai\ pa/lin e)lqei=n e)s ne/wta. kai\ pa/lin e(te/ra paroimi/a: *su=kon e)f' *(ermh=|: e)pi\ tw=n prokeime/nwn e)p' w)felei/a| toi=s boulome/nois: o(po/te ga\r fanei/h su=kon, tw=| *(ermh=| tou=to a)neti/qesan, kai\ o( boulo/menos e)la/mbane. kai\ e(te/ra paroimi/a: *(/wsper ta\ su=k' e)pi\ tou\s o)fqalmou\s e)/fu: e)pi\ tw=n prosfuw=s tinos pra/gmatos e)xome/nwn. su=ka le/gwn ta\ sarkw/mata, h)\ e(/lkos gino/menon e)pi\ toi=s o)fqalmoi=s. su=kon le/gei ta\ e)pi\ tou\s o)fqalmou\s sarkw/mata, h)\ e(/lkos gino/menon e)pi\ toi=s o)fqalmoi=s. *)aristofa/nhs: w(/sper ta\ su=k' e)pi\ tou\s o)fqalmou\s e)/fu.
[1] = Zenobius 5.91, with small differences; cf. sigma 1326 (= Photius sigma686 Theodoridis), ps.-Plutarch, Alexandrian Proverbs 1.87; Diogenianus 8.9; Hesychius sigma2235. The only literary occurrence of the phrase, with the verb in the second person singular as here, is Aristophanes, Wasps 302.
[2] = Zenobius 5.92, with small differences; cf. Pausanias the Atticist sigma26, Hesychius sigma2236, Photius phi684 Theodoridis. There are no literary attestations of the phrase.
[3] Aristophanes, Frogs 1247 (the only literary attestation of this "proverb"). The comments parallel, here repetitiously, material in the scholia to this passage, although in the scholia the term sukw/mata (literally, 'figgings', hence 'fig-like growths') appears where the Suda has sarkw/mata ('tumors'). See also sigma 1321, Pollux 2.65; on the condition, Aetius 45.22.
Keywords: agriculture; botany; comedy; daily life; definition; economics; food; imagery; medicine; poetry; proverbs; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 February 2014@12:50:25.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 16 February 2014@17:18:48.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 17 February 2014@03:02:10.
Catharine Roth (typo noted by James McKeown) on 22 June 2024@00:48:09.


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