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Search results for sigma,1318 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1318
Translated headword: swinishness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
suhni/a] and
kuhni/a: [meaning] ignorance, awkwardness. [Used thus] in
Pherekrates.[1] And
Plato the philosopher [calls] behaving ignorantly and doing something swinish
suhnei=n ["to act swinishly"].[2]
Also [sc. attested is]
*Suhni/a, a city [of that name]. But
sui/+nh [is] a fig-tree.[3]
Greek Original:*suhni/a kai\ *kuhni/a: a)maqi/a, skaio/ths. para\ *ferekra/tei. kai\ suhnei=n *pla/twn o( filo/sofos to\ a)maqw=s a)nastre/fesqai kai\ suw=de/s ti poiei=n. kai\ *suhni/a, po/lis. *sui/+nh de\ suke/a.
Pherecrates [
phi 212] fr. 237 Kock, 271 K.-A. But Kuster and others, with good reason, emend the second of these nouns to
u(hni/a; cf.
upsilon 81.
[2] Likewise in
Lexicon sigma679 (taken to come from Aelius
Dionysius sigma41), and later in
Etymologicum Magnum 733.29; cf. also a scholion on
Peace 928. (
Aristophanes uses there the noun
Plato, at
Theaetetus 166C, uses the verb
[3] The city is
Syene (
*suh/nh) in Egypt;
su+i/nh, though, looks like the feminine nominative singular of
su/i+nos "swinish, porcine." See already at
sigma 1317.
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; imagery; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 May 2014@01:51:50.
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