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Search results for sigma,1315 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1315
Translated headword: and you not in anger
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[And you not in anger] [...] refute, but gently. To be abusive is not proper for poets, as if they were bread-selling women. You are instantly roaring like a holm-oak that has been set alight." For a holm-oak on fire makes a noise.
Greek Original:*su\ de\ mh\ pro\s o)rgh/n, a)lla\ prao/nws e)/legx', e)le/gxou. loidorei=sqai d' ou) pre/pei a)/ndras poihta/s, w(/sper a)rtopw/lidas. su\ d' eu)qu\s w(/sper pri=nos e)mprhsqei\s boa=|s. kai\ ga\r h( pri=nos kaiome/nh yo/fon poiei=.
Dionysus to
Aeschylus in
Frogs 856-859 (here omitting the name of the addressee), with scholion to 859.
For holm-oak cf.
pi 2290.
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; food; imagery; poetry; trade and manufacture; tragedy; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 30 January 2014@05:54:02.
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