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Search results for sigma,1301 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1301
Translated headword: comparison
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the [comparision] of one thing with one or with many. For a comparison with one thing does not occur except in terms of time, whenever [sc. for instance] we search for something which is now more white than before.[1] [Note] that comparison is produced in accordance with many modalities. For one [is to decide] which is the better of predicated subjects (such as in this case: whether wealth or health [is] preferable); alternatively, which of two things exists more in the subject, e.g. the pleasant or the useful in health; [or] whether this [exists more] in this or this in this, e.g. whether the good exists more in health, or the bad in sickness; for in order that comparisons may occur, they are described [as arising] out of what is contingent. And comparison comes into being in terms of what is more, and what is less, and what is similar; for things like that [are] points of comparison. If health, being more eligible than wealth, is not eligible by itself, nor is wealth. And if pleasure, being more a good than an end, is not a good, it would not be an end either. And again: if wealth, being less of a good than health, is [sc. nevertheless] a good, so is health. And if health, being less of a good for those who are at peace than for those who are at war, is a good for the latter, then it is [a good] for the former also.
Greek Original:*su/gkrisis: h( e(no\s pro\s e(/na h)\ plei/onas. e(ni\ ga\r ou) gi/netai su/gkrisis, ei) mh\ kata\ xro/non, o(/tan zhtw=men to/te leuko/teron to/de ti nu=n, h)\ pro/teron. o(/ti h( su/gkrisis kata\ pollou\s tro/pous gi/netai, h)\ ga\r pote/rw| ma=llon tw=n u(pokeime/nwn kathgorou/menon, w(s e)pi\ tou=, po/teron o( plou=tos h)\ h( u(gei/a ai(retw/teron: h)\ po/teron ma=llon tw=| u(pokeime/nw| u(pa/rxei, oi(=on th=| u(gei/a| to\ h(du\ h)\ to\ xrh/simon: po/teron tw=|de to/de h)\ to/de tw=|de, oi(=on po/teron th=| u(gei/a| ma=llon u(pa/rxei to\ a)gaqo\n h)\ th=| no/sw| to\ kako/n: o(/pws ga\r a)\n ai( sugkri/seis gi/nwntai, a)po\ tou= sumbebhko/tos le/gontai. kai\ kata\ to\ ma=llon de\ gi/netai kai\ kata\ to\ h(=tton kai\ kata\ to\ o(moi/ws h( su/gkrisis: sugkritika\ ga\r kai\ ta\ toiau=ta: ei) h( u(gei/a ma=llon plou/tou ou)=sa ai(reth\ mh\ e)/sti di' au(th\n ai(reth/, ou)de\ o( plou=tos. kai\ ei) h( h(donh\ ma=llon ou)=sa a)gaqo\n h)\ te/los mh/ e)stin a)gaqo/n, ou)d' a)\n te/los ei)/h. kai\ pa/lin, ei) o( plou=tos h(/ttwn h)\ u(gei/as w)\n a)gaqo\s a)gaqo/n e)sti, kai\ h( u(gei/a. kai\ ei) h( u(gei/a h(=tton ou)=sa a)gaqo\n toi=s e)n ei)rh/nh| ou)=sin h)\ toi=s polemou=sin, a)gaqo/n e)stin h)\ tou/tois ka)kei/nois.
Derived from Alexander of
Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 220.22-25 (for the first two sentences here) and 52.4-17. For this sense of the headword see generally LSJ s.v., II.
cf. generally
sigma 1300,
sigma 1302.
[1] Read
po/te, as in Alexander, for the Suda's
Keywords: definition; economics; ethics; medicine; military affairs; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 13 July 2003@04:22:40.
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