As in reference to crops.
Thucydides in [book] 3 [writes]: "and they were [engaged] in harvesting of a crop".[1] And
Lysias in the [speech]
In reply to Xenophon [writes]: "having harvested gifts and given back the money".[2]
syn prefix [produces] by separation
*sugkomidh/: w(s e)pi\ karpw=n. *qoukudi/dhs e)n g#: kai\ e)n sugkomidh=| karpou= h)=san. kai\ *lusi/as e)n tw=| pro\s *cenofw=nta: sugkomi/sas de\ dw=ra kai\ a)podo/menos to\ a)rgu/rion. h( su\n pro/qesis, kata\ dia/stasin sugkomidh/.
The first and main part of this entry is also in
Photius sigma673 Theodoridis (and, post-Suda, in
Etymologicum Magnum 733.21-25); see further below, n. 2.
Thucydides 3.15.2 (on the reluctance of
Sparta's allies to obey a military call-up).
Lysias fr. 206 Sauppe, now 259 Carey OCT. Carey prints Scheibe's conjecture
d' o)pw/ran (for
dw=ra), and also favours
to\n a)gro/n (from the
Etym.Magn.) over
to\n a)rgu/rion (
Photius and the Suda).
[3] Addendum lacking, Adler reports, in mss AFV (but a marginal addition in A).
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