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Search results for sigma,1283 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1283
Translated headword: law-commissioners, registrars
Vetting Status: high
Translation: It was a custom amongst [the] Athenians, whenever necessary, to choose a particular group which, on a stated day, introduced proposals to the people, as
Isocrates says.[1] This happened before the establishment of the 400,[2] according to
Thucydides in his [book] 8: "at this crucial moment Peisandros and his entourage arrived and immediately took control of the remaining [matters]. And first they assembled the people and proposed that 10 men be chosen as commissioners with full powers, and that when these men had done their work they should bring a proposal before the people, on a stated day, as to how the city would be best managed".[3] The total number of commissioners chosen at that time was 30, according to
Androtion and
Thucydides mentioned only the 10
Greek Original:*suggrafei=s: ei)qisme/non h)=n par' *)aqhnai/ois, o(po/te de/oi plh=qo/s ti ai(rei=sqai, ei)s r(hth\n h(me/ran ei)se/fere gnw/mas ei)s to\n dh=mon, w(s *)isokra/ths fhsi/. tou=to de\ kai\ pro\ th=s katasta/sews tw=n nu=n e)gi/neto, kaqa\ *qoukudi/dhs e)n th=| h#: e)n de\ tou/tw| tw=| kairw=| oi( peri\ to\n *pei/sandron e)lqo/ntes eu)qu\s tw=n loipw=n ei)/xonto. kai\ prw=ton me\n to\n dh=mon sulle/cantes ei)=pon gnw/mhn, i# a)/ndras e(le/sqai suggrafe/as au)tokra/toras, tou/tous de\ suggra/yantas gnw/mhn e)cenegkei=n ei)s to\n dh=mon e)s h(me/ran r(hth/n, kaqo/ti a)/rista h( po/lis oi)kh/setai. h)=san de\ oi( me\n pa/ntes suggrafei=s l# oi( to/te ai(reqe/ntes, w(/s fhsin *)androti/wn kai\ *filo/xoros. o( de\ *qoukudi/dhs tw=n i# e)mnhmo/neuse mo/nwn tw=n probou/lwn.
Abbreviated from Harpokration s.v., commenting on
Isocrates 7.58 (next note).
xi 87.
Isocrates 7.58 (web address 1).
[2] The Suda text is faulty here; Harpokration gives the number.
Thucydides 8.67.1 (web address 2).
Androtion FGrH 324 F43;
Philochorus FGrH 328 F36.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; constitution; definition; historiography; history; law; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 December 2000@09:55:27.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (added links, set status) on 15 January 2005@20:10:52.
David Whitehead (augmented headword, note, keywords; cosmetics) on 16 January 2005@06:14:23.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 14 July 2011@08:59:01.
No. of records found: 1
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