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Search results for sigma,1280 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1280
Translated headword: leniency, lenient judgment, tolerance, pardon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] agreement.[1]
"The virtuous person should not have leniency for anyone, or omit the punishments imposed by law, since indeed yielding and compassion and even equity itself are the worthlessness[2] of a soul which prefers kindness to chastisement.[3] And [sc. the Stoics] do not think that such punishments are too severe."
This noun is also applied to forgiveness and agreement.
"Since the one who knows himself[4] -- that is, the one who does not ignore that he made a mistake when he is wrong, but does observe the "know thyself" [maxim] -- was not puffed up into boastfulness (if at any moment he was even a little half asleep) thinking well of himself because of his right actions, but he submits because he understands his own nature and weakness. This is the one who comes to agreement, that is, the one who understands: because that one is in fact singing his palinode, he agrees with the one who knows himself, [5][whereas] the one who is not in agreement does not agree. This is why he is also worthy of censure, on account of not knowing himself, but he who is not in agreement does not [agree] with the one who knows himself."
Greek Original:*suggnw/mh: sugxw/rhsis. o(/ti ou) dei= to\n spoudai=on e)/n tini suggnw/mhn e)/xein, mhde\ parie/nai ta\s e)piballou/sas e)k tou= no/mou kola/seis, e)pei\ to/ ge ei)/kein kai\ o( e)/leos au)th/ te h( e)piei/keia ou)demi/a e)sti\ yuxh=s pro\s kola/seis prospoioume/nh xrhsto/thta: mhd' oi)/esqai sklhrote/ras au)ta\s ei)=nai. lamba/netai de\ to\ o)/noma kai\ e)pi\ th=s a)fe/sews kai\ sugxwrh/sews. o(/ti e)peidh\ o( gnou\s e(auto/n, toute/stin o( mh\ e)pi\ toi=s ptai/smasin a)gnow=n o(/ti e)/ptaisen, a)lla\ fula/ttwn to\ gnw=qi sauto/n, mh\ toi=s katorqw/masin ei) kai/ pote o)li/gon e)pinusta/cas ei)s a)lazonei/an h)/rqh me/ga fronw=n, a)lla\ th\n oi)kei/an fu/sin kai\ a)sqe/neian katamanqa/nwn gnwsimaxei=, o( suggnou/s, toute/stin o( sunnoh/sas, o(/ti e)kei=nos e)/rgw| palinw|di/an a)/|dei, sugxwrei= tw=| gno/nti e(auto/n, o( mh\ suggnou\s ou) sugxwrei=. dio\ kai\ o( me\n me/myew/s e)stin a)/cios, mh\ gnou\s e(auto/n, o( de\ mh\ suggnou\s tw=| gno/nti e(auto/n.
[1] After this primary gloss, the first paragraph of the entry reproduces (with only minor changes)
Diogenes Laertius 7.123. See further n. 2 below. For an earlier excerpt from this passage, see
alpha 1656.
[2] Here the manuscripts of the Suda and of
Diogenes read
ou)demi/a "none" (feminine); Cobet conjectured
ou)de/neia "worthlessness." Marcovich would emend to
a)sqe/neia "weakness," which gives a much better sense.
[3] Marcovich would remove
pro\s kola/seis, words not in all manuscripts of
[4] This supplementary paragraph (not from D.L., and unidentifiable) muses on the Delphic maxim
gamma 333/
gamma 334.
[5] (For "singing a palinode", i.e. publicly recanting or repenting of something, cf.
pi 100 and, for the most celebrated instance,
sigma 1095.) [Gaisford would delete from here to the end, material which is lacking in ms A.]
Diogenes Laertius, edd. Miroslav Marcovich and Hans Gärtner. Diogenis Laertii Vitae Philosophorum. Stuttgart 2002.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; law; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 31 March 2008@18:02:34.
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