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Search results for sigma,127 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,127
Translated headword: sardian stones
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] visibly transparent [ones],[1] being pale throughout the depth; [the ones] which seem to have been stained with the same colour to a depth, indeed as if the vision is not apprehending the depth.
Greek Original:*sa/rdioi li/qoi, e)nargw=s diafanei=s, leukoi\ o)/ntes kata\ to\ ba/qos: oi(/tines dokou=si me/xri ba/qous tw=| au)tw=| xrw/mati kexrw=sqai, a(/te dh\ mh\ a)ntilambanome/nhs th=s o)/yews tou= ba/qous.
See generally LSJ s.v.
sa/rdion, i.e. a neuter noun. In modern terms, the semi-precious gemstones carnelian (brownish red) and sard/sardine, similar but darker and harder.
The present entry comes from John
On Aristotle's de anima 321.10-13 Hayduck.
[1] This property is also mentioned by
Phaedo 110D.
Keywords: definition; geography; imagery; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Katee Dean on 8 December 2012@02:42:47.
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