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Search results for sigma,1242 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1242
Translated headword: column-fashion, stoichedon
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] by rank.[1]
Greek Original:*stoixhdo/n. kata\ ta/cin.
Evidently (cf.
alpha 2612,
epsilon 953,
pi 3197,
sigma 1246) a military definition; but this adverb also describes a mason's epigraphic style -- associated especially with classical
Athens -- where the letters are aligned in vertical columns as well as horizontal rows.
[1] Glossing phrase lacking, Adler reports, in mss AF; but it does appear in
Hesychius, with the addition of
kata\ stoixei=on.
R.P. Austin, The Stoichedon Style in Greek Inscriptions (Oxford 1938, reprinted New York 1973)
Keywords: architecture; art history; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; military affairs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 December 2002@09:42:09.
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