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Search results for sigma,1238 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1238
Translated headword: element
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An element is that primary out of which the generated things are generated, and that in which they are ultimately resolved.[1] Indeed, the [sc. four] elements are together the unqualified substance, the matter. Fire is hot, water moist, air cold, earth dry. However, there is still the same part in the air;[2] so fire, which indeed is called “ether” and where the first sphere of fixed [stars] is produced, is the highest. Then, [it is] the [sphere] of the planets, after which [comes] air; then water. But as foundation of all things [there is] earth, being in the middle of all of them.
Greek Original:*stoixei=on: stoixei=o/n e)stin, e)c ou(= prw/tou gi/netai ta\ gino/mena, kai\ ei)s o(\ e)/sxaton a)nalu/etai. ta\ dh\ d# stoixei=a ei)=nai o(mou= th\n a)/poion ou)si/an, th\n u(/lhn. ei)=nai de\ to\ me\n pu=r qermo/n, to\ de\ u(/dwr u(gro/n, to\n a)e/ra yuxro/n, th\n gh=n chra/n: ou) mh\n a)lla\ kai\ e)/ti e)n tw=| a)e/ri ei)=nai to\ au)to\ me/ros. a)nwta/tw me\n ou)=n ei)=nai to\ pu=r, o(\ dh\ ai)qe/ra kalei=sqai, e)n w(=| prw/thn th\n tw=n a)planw=n sfai=ran genna=sqai: ei)=ta th\n tw=n planwme/nwn: meq' h(\n to\n a)e/ra: ei)=ta to\ u(/dwr. u(posta/qmhn de\ pa/ntwn th\n gh=n, me/shn a(pa/ntwn ou)=san.
For this headword see already
sigma 1236,
sigma 1237. The present entry is taken (with some minor variations) from
Diogenes Laertius 7.136-7, where a Stoic doxography on elements is quoted.
[1] See
Metaphysics 1014a27 ff.
[2] "The same part" apparently is dryness, which has just been mentioned.
Keywords: definition; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 8 January 2004@08:11:49.
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