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Search results for sigma,118 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,118
Translated headword: splay-foot
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is what
Alkaios used to call
Pittakos the philosopher, because he was flat-footed and dragged [
surein] both his feet [sc. when walking]; also chap-foot because he had sores, which they called chaps, on his feet; and braggart, because he was always bragging; and paunch and potbelly, because he was stout - besides diner-in-secret, because he used no lamps; and drag-along, because he was untidy and dirty.
Greek Original:*sara/pous: ou(/tws e)ka/lei *)alkai=os *pittako\n to\n filo/sofon dia\ to\ platu/poun ei)=nai kai\ su/rein tw\ po/de: xeiropo/dhn de\ dia\ ta\s e)n toi=s posi\ r(aga/das, a(\s xeira/das e)ka/loun: gau/rika/ te, w(s ei)kh= gauriw=nta: fu/skwna de\ kai\ ga/strwna, dio/ti paxu\s h)=n: a)lla\ mh\n kai\ *zofodorpi/da, w(s a)/luxnon: a)gasu/raston de/, w(s e)pisesurme/non kai\ r(uparo/n.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; medicine; philosophy; poetry; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 31 October 2001@04:42:18.
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