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Adler number: sigma,1165
Translated headword: campaign in the eponyms
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Aeschines in the [speech]
On the malconducted embassy [sc. mentions this].[1]
Aristotle explains in
Athenaion Politeia what a campaign in the eponyms was;[2] "there are", he says, "ten eponymous heroes of the tribes and forty-two of the age-groups.[3] Formerly the [sc. names of the] ephebes who were being enrolled were inscribed on whitened tablets, and above their names were written those of the archon in whose year they were enrolled and the eponymous hero who was in residence in the previous year.[4] Now, however, they are inscribed before the boule."[5] And a little later [he says] [6]: "they use the eponymous heroes also for campaigns. When they send out an age-group they indicate who is to serve by writing the names of the eponymous archons[7] of the youngest and oldest age-groups being called up."
Greek Original:*stratei/a e)n toi=s e)pwnu/mois: *ai)sxi/nhs e)n tw=| *peri\ th=s parapresbei/as. *)aristote/lhs toi/nun dedh/lwken e)n *)aqhnai/wn politei/a|, ti\s h)=n h( e)n toi=s e)pwnu/mois stratei/a: ei)si\ ga/r, fhsi/n, e)pw/numoi i# me\n ai( tw=n fulw=n, b# de\ kai\ m# ai( tw=n h(likiw=n. oi( de\ e)/fhboi e)ggrafo/menoi pro/teron me\n ei)s leleukasme/na grammatei=a e)negra/fonto, kai\ e)pegra/fonto au)toi=s o(/ te a)/rxwn, e)f' ou(= e)pegra/fhsan, kai\ e)pw/numos o( tw=| prote/rw| e)pidedhmhkw/s. nu=n de\ ei)s th\n boulh\n a)nagra/fontai. kai\ met' o)li/ga: xrw=ntai de\ toi=s e)pwnu/mois kai\ pro\s ta\s stratei/as, kai\ o(/tan h(liki/an e)kpe/mpwsin, w(s gra/fousin, a)po\ ti/nos a)/rxontos e)pwnu/mou me/xri ti/nos dei= strateu/esqai.
From Harpokration s.v.
[1] Aeschin. 2.168.
[2] Ath.Pol. 53.4.
[3] In other words, citizen males were eligible for military service for forty-two years, from the ages of eighteen to fifty-nine.
[4] "In residence" makes no sense. The transmitted text here has garbled Harpokration (and the Ath.Pol.), substituting e)pidedhmhkw/s for what should be e)/tei dediaithkw/s - "the eponym of the year-class which had provided the arbitrators of the previous year". See therefore Ath.Pol. 53.4: a year's youngest age-group was identified by the eponymous hero of the previous year's senior age-group.
[5] Ath.Pol. 53.4 is clearer: the names are inscribed on a bronze stele which is set up in front of the bouleuterion.
[6] Ath.Pol. 53.7.
[7] Ath.Pol. 53.7 explains that the age-groups were identified by both archon and eponymous hero.
P.J. Rhodes, A Commentary on the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia (Oxford 1981) 592-3, 596
Keywords: chronology; constitution; military affairs; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 16 November 1998@23:29:55.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (modified translation and notes; added bibliography; increased keywords) on 20 September 2000@09:01:50.
David Whitehead (modified opening of tr; augmented notes and keywords) on 20 September 2004@10:38:14.
David Whitehead (cosmetics; raised status) on 10 May 2011@07:44:42.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 19 August 2013@21:45:19.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 23 October 2014@00:20:58.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 23 October 2014@02:45:41.
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