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Search results for sigma,1161 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1161
Translated headword: more crooked, rather crooked, more irregular, rather irregular
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] more/rather shameless.[1]
Saint Basil in Against Drunkards [writes]: "[I fear] that the unruly man may become more crooked/irregular, but the compunctionate man be swallowed up by more excessive distress."[2]
Greek Original:*strago/teros: a)naide/steros. o( a(/gios *basi/leios e)n tw=| *kata\ mequo/ntwn: mh/pws o( me\n a)nupo/taktos strago/teros ge/nhtai, o( de\ katanenugme/nos th=| perissote/ra| lu/ph| katapoqh=|.
[1] The headword is comparative, masculine nominative singular, of the adjective
strago/s or
straggo/s (
sigma 1160); so spelled in the
Ambrosian Lexicon (according to Adler) but
stragw/teros in the
Synagoge and
Lexicon s.v.
[2] Basil of
Orations 14.8 (PG 31.461c).
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; imagery; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 February 2013@01:19:55.
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