*stono/essa: stenagmo\n e)/xousa. kai\ *sto/nos, stenagmo/s.
The primary headword is a nominative singular feminine form of the adjective
stono/eis. There are many literary attestations of this form, including
Odyssey 17.102 (singled out by Theodoridis: see n. 1 below) and 19.595, and
Halieutica 3.436. The secondary lemma, a related masculine noun in the nominative singular, is probably drawn from
Homer: see n. 2 below.
[1] =
Synagoge sigma238,
Photius sigma588 Theodoridis; cf.
Hesychius sigma1923,
Etymologicum Magnum 728.30, and
scholia to
Oppian Halieutica 3.436, and to
Iliad 8.159.
[2] =
Hesychius sigma1975,
Synagoge sigma239,
Photius sigma589 Theodoridis. Probably from commentary to
Iliad 10.483; cf. the
scholia thereto, and to the accusative in 21.20 and 4.445.
No. of records found: 1
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