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Search results for sigma,1125 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1125
Translated headword: strigil
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] a scraper.[1] Also [sc. attested is the related participle]
stleggizo/menos ['being strigilled'], [meaning] being scraped off.[2]
Aristophanes in
Old Age [writes]: "if it is necessary to follow little boys, holding a ball and strigil."[3] In the
Banqueters: "this is not a strigil nor a flask."[4]
*stleggi/s ['strigil'] is also the word for an ornament of wrought gold, which goes around women's heads.
"And the strigil is among the things that exist for a particular purpose and among the the things not for a particular purpose. Some things are for one particular purpose alone, and no one would use them for another purpose, for instance [sc. one uses] sight only for the purpose of seeing; but some things one might use also for some purpose that they were not created for. Thus one might use a strigil not only for the purpose of scraping, but also for the purpose of drawing up water."[5]
Greek Original:*stleggi/s: h( cu/stra. kai\ stleggizo/menos, a)pocuo/menos. *)aristofa/nhs *gh/ra|: ei) paidari/ois a)kolouqei=n dei=, sfai=ran kai\ stleggi/d' e)/xonta. *daitaleu=sin: ou)de/ e)stin au(/th stleggi\s ou)de\ lh/kuqos. kalei=tai stleggi\s kai\ xrusou=n e)/lasma, to\ peri\ th=| kefalh=| tw=n gunaikw=n. h( de\ stleggi\s tw=n pro\s ti/ e)sti kai\ tw=n ou) pro\s ti/. ta\ me\n pro\s e(/n ti mo/non e)sti/, kai\ ou)k a)/n tis au)toi=s pro\s a)/llo ti xrh/saito, w(/sper th=| o)/yei pro\s mo/non to\ o(ra=n: ta\ de\ kai\ pro\s a)/llo ti, pro\s o(\ ou) pe/fuke, xrh/saito a)/n tis. th=| gou=n stleggi/di ou) pro\s to\ pericu/esqai a)/n tis xrh/saito mo/non, a)lla\ kai\ pro\s to\ u(/dwr a)ru/sasqai.
The first paragraph of this entry essentially =
Lexicon sigma541 Theodoridis, and a scholium to
Hippias Minor 368C. It is attributed to Aelius
Dionysius (sigma35) by Cohn and Erbse. Other references in Theodoridis, and below.
sigma 1025.
[1] cf. ps.-Herodian,
Philhetaerus 125,
Hesychius sigma1884.
[2] cf.
Hesychius alpha6061,
Synagoge alpha1733,
Photius alpha2367.
Aristophanes fr. 139 Kock, 145 Kassel-Austin (141.2a Edmonds). The quotation contains the headword in the accusative singular.
Aristophanes fr. 207 Kock (and Edmonds), 214 Kassel-Austin. Where the Suda and
Photius have
au(/th ('this'), the scholium to
Plato (followed by Erbse and Edmonds) has
au)th=| ('for her'), yielding a different translation: "there is neither strigil nor flask for her." Kock prints
au)tw=| ('for him'), which Adler also notes as an emendation of Bergk.
[5] Derived from Alexander of
Commentary on Aristotle's Topics 455.21-26 (on
Topics 145a12).
Keywords: athletics; children; clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; ethics; gender and sexuality; philosophy; science and technology; trade and manufacture; women
Translated by: William Hutton on 16 February 2014@09:34:04.
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