*sti/c, stixo/s: h( ta/cis.
The headword, attested primarily in classical verse, indicates an arrangement in rows or files, especially of soldiers, see generally LSJ s.v. The inclusion of the genitive form helps to distinguish this feminine noun from masculine nominative singular
sti/xos, identical in meaning, which occurs as the headword at
sigma 1123 with the same gloss. Adler ad loc. reports a corresponding entry in the
Ambrosian Lexicon. See similarly
Hesychius epsilon5252, kappa1440, sigma1877; ps.-Herodian (Lentz III.2 741.33, 758.25); scholion on
Halieutica 1.442 (Bussemaker);
Epimerismi Homerici sigma25 (Dyck 667.88).
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