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Adler number: sigma,1114
Translated headword: Stilpon, Stilpo
Vetting Status: high
Translation: of Megara, philosopher, lived under the first
Ptolemy;[1] pupil of Pasikles the Theban; [it was Pasikles] who attended the lectures of his brother Krates and of Diokleides[2] the Megarian; but others[3] [say they were those of] Eukleides the associate of
Plato. He was head of the Megarian school and he wrote no fewer than 20 dialogues.
Greek Original:*sti/lpwn, *megareu/s, filo/sofos, gegonw\s para\ tw=| prw/tw| *ptolemai/w|, maqhth\s *pasikle/ous tou= *qhbai/ou: o(\s h)kroa/sato *kra/thtos tou= a)delfou= kai\ *dioklei/dou tou= *megare/ws: o( de\ *eu)klei/dou tou= *pla/twnos gnwri/mou. proe/sth de\ kai\ th=s *megarikh=s sxolh=s kai\ e)/graye dialo/gous ou)k e)la/ttous tw=n k#.
For Stilpon see already under
epsilon 3539,
mu 388. See further
David Sedley in OCD4 s.v., and in general
Diogenes Laertius 2.113-120.
[1] Who reigned 323-282 BCE. Stilpon's dates have been calculated to be c.380-c.300.
[2] The name should apparently be Eukleides; cf.
Diogenes Laertius 6.89.
[3] Reading (with the editio princeps)
oi( for the transmitted
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 9 December 2005@09:44:59.
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