[Meaning] rime, or ice.[1]
Homer [writes]: "dawn's frost".[2] That is, early-morning.
Also [sc. attested is]
stibh/eis ["frosty"],[3] [meaning] the chill in the air that happens around dawn.
*sti/bh: phguli/s, h)\ pa/xnh. *(/omhros: sti/bh u(phoi/h. toute/stin o)rqrinh/. kai\ *stibh/eis, h( u(po\ th\n e(/w ginome/nh yuxro/ths tou= a)e/ros.
[1] cf.
Hesychius sigma1846, explicitly citing the same passage in
Homer (see n. 2).
Odyssey 17.25; for the glosses cf.
scholia thereto, and to
Odyssey 5.467.
[3] This word, an adjective (nominative singular masculine) derived from the primary headword, is attested elsewhere only at
Hecale fr. 260.64 Pfeiffer. Adler cites a scholion to this passage, and reports that Wilamowitz ('Ueber die Hekale des Kallimachos,'
GGN 1893, 734-735 [=
Kleine Schriften II 33-36], at 735,4) ascribed the entire gloss to the Roman-period commentator
Sallustius [
sigma 60].
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