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Headword: *sthsi/xoros
Adler number: sigma,1095
Translated headword: Stesikhoros, Stesichoros, Stesichorus
Vetting Status: high
Son of Euphorbos or Euphemos, but according to others son of Eukleides or Hyetes or Hesiod; from the city of Himera in Sicily, so he is called the Himerian,[1] but others [say that he is from] Matauria the [city] in Italy.[2] Others say that, being exiled from Palantion in Arcadia, he came to Katana and died there and was buried in front of the gate which is called Stesichorean after him. In date he was younger than Alkman the lyric poet,[3] having been born in the 37th Olympiad.[4] He died in the 56th Olympiad.[5] He had a brother Mamertinos[6] skilled in geometry, and another Helianax a legislator. He became a lyric poet. There are poems of his in the Doric dialect in 26 books. They say that because he had written a censure of Helen, he became blind, but when in recantation he wrote an encomium of Helen because of a dream -- his Palinode -- he regained his sight. He was given the name of Stesikhoros because he was the first to set [e)/sthsen] a chorus [xoro/s] to the music of the cithara; but at first he was named Tisias.
Greek Original:
*sthsi/xoros, *eu)fo/rbou h)\ *eu)fh/mou, w(s de\ a)/lloi *eu)klei/dou h)\ *(ue/tous h)\ *(hsio/dou: e)k po/lews *(ime/ras th=s *sikeli/as: kalei=tai gou=n *(imerai=os: oi( de\ a)po\ *matauri/as th=s e)n *)itali/a|: oi( de\ a)po\ *palanti/ou th=s *)arkadi/as fugo/nta au)to\n e)lqei=n fasin ei)s *kata/nhn ka)kei= teleuth=sai kai\ tafh=nai pro\ th=s pu/lhs, h(/tis e)c au)tou= *sthsixo/reios proshgo/reutai. toi=s de\ xro/nois h)=n new/teros *)alkma=nos tou= lurikou=, e)pi\ th=s lz# *)olumpia/dos gegonw/s. e)teleu/thse de\ e)pi\ th=s n#2#. ei)=xe de\ a)delfo\n gewmetri/as e)/mpeiron *mamerti=non, kai\ e(/teron *(hlia/nakta nomoqe/thn. ge/gone de\ luriko/s. kai/ e)stin au)tou= ta\ poih/mata *dwri/di diale/ktw| e)n bibli/ois k#2#. fasi\ de\ au)to\n gra/yanta yo/gon *(ele/nhs tuflwqh=nai, pa/lin de\ gra/yanta *(ele/nhs e)gkw/mion e)c o)nei/rou, th\n palinw|di/an, a)nable/yai. e)klh/qh de\ *sthsi/xoros, o(/ti prw=tos kiqarw|di/a| xoro\n e)/sthsen: e)pei/ toi pro/teron *tisi/as e)kalei=to.
Stesichorus (already sigma 1094) was a lyric poet active in the early 6th century BCE. Only fragments of his poems are extant; the poems seem to have been of considerable length, and to have narrated many of the principal myths. Stesichorus used a Doric type of poetic dialect, but the language and meter are also strongly influenced by epic.
See OCD4 Stesichorus; M. Davies, PGMF 1 (1991); and link to Perseus Encyclopedia entry at web address 1 below.
[1] See generally iota 345, iota 347.
[2] cf. Stephanus of Byzantium s.v. Matauros.
[3] Alkman: alpha 1289, alpha 1290.
[4] 632-629.
[5] 556-553.
[6] Presumably mu 124.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; dreams; geography; law; medicine; meter and music; mythology; poetry; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 3 January 2001@16:34:53.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 1 September 2002@06:51:16.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 16 November 2005@08:40:43.
Catharine Roth (tweaked link) on 13 August 2013@00:14:07.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaking) on 1 January 2014@05:37:37.
Catharine Roth (betacode) on 3 April 2014@21:21:44.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2014@11:59:25.


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