[Meaning he] having created. "[...] having set up the conflict/contest round about both Kallinikon and (?)Barrhai."[1]
*sthsa/menos: poih/sas. peri/ te *kalli/nikon kai\ *ba/rras to\n a)gw=na sthsa/menos.
[1] Quotation (and individual) unidentifiable. However, the second toponym, as Bernhardy realised, should probably be not 'Barrhai' but Karrhai. Barrhai is otherwise attested only in
Geography, as being in or near India (7.2.20); reading Karrhai (Carrhae) -- famous for the battle against the Parthians in which M. Licinius Crassus Dives met his death -- produces two places, in this quotation, both in
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