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Search results for sigma,1085 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1085
Translated headword: pillar
Vetting Status: high
Translation: And a sthliteutiko\s lo/gos ["pillaresque discourse"] is that which, in the case of one of the fictive [sc. discourses(?)],[1] proceeds by way of deeds alone, although it may also involve comparison. Vituperation differs from this, because it [sc. Vituperation] is conducted on the basis of the encomiastic headings, such as 'ancestry', 'upbringing',[2] 'deed[s]',[3] 'comparison'. And it is called 'pillaresque' by a metaphor from the pillar, which is a lengthy stone or bronze, set up in a rectangular format, on which the outrageousness of the person being pillar-ized is written.[4] Often the benefactions of benefactors are also written up.
Greek Original:*sth/lh. kai\ *sthliteutiko\s lo/gos e)sti\n o( para/ tini tw=n peplasme/nwn proerxo/menos dia\ mo/nwn tw=n pra/cewn, ei) tu/xoi de\ kai\ sugkri/sews. tou/tou de\ diafe/rei o( yo/gos, o(/ti dia\ tw=n e)gkwmiastikw=n kefalai/wn prosa/getai, oi(=on ge/nous, a)nastrofh=s, pra/cews, sugkri/sews. sthliteutiko\s de\ ke/klhtai e)k metafora=s th=s sth/lhs, h(/ e)sti li/qos h)\ xalko\s e)pimh/khs, tetragw/nw| sxh/mati i(drume/nos: e)n h(=| ge/graptai h( tou= sthliteuome/nou u(/bris. polla/kis de\ kai\ eu)ergetw=n eu)ergesi/ai a)nagra/fontai.
The unglossed primary headword, nominative singular, is generated by (and perhaps extracted from) the entry itself, which is mainly concerned with explicating the secondary lemma 'pillaresque discourse'. The bulk of the entry appears, with slight differences, in the prologue to the pseudo-Nonnian commentary on Gregory of Nazianzus,
Oration 4 (
First Pillaresque Oration Against the Emperor Julian PG 35.532 ff.). Adler also cites
scholia to Gregory, PG 36.1205d and 985a-b. For other related words see the other entries from
sigma 1083 to
sigma 1087.
[1] This phrase, absent in ps.-
Nonnus, is of uncertain meaning, and has attracted various emendations: Kuster suggested
peri/ for
para/ and, from the language of the
scholia to Gregory,
pepragme/nwn for
peplasme/nwn, producing "concerning one of the things done [sc. by Julian, presumably]." Bernhardy suggested (unattested)
pephlakisme/nwn for
peplasme/nwn, which would presumably transform the phrase into something like "in the case of one of the people who have been sullied." Another possible rendering of the received text might be "in [sc. the discourses of] one of the trained [orators]."
[2] Reading
a)natrofh=s, as in mss GVM (and the original); Adler prints
a)nastrofh=s (LSJ's sense II.3 of which ['mode of life', 'behavior'] might serve).
[3] Transmitted here as singular; Bernhardy wanted to emend to the plural, as in the original.
[4] cf.
sigma 1087, also from commentary to Gregory of Nazianzus.
Nimmo Smith, J. (1992) Pseudo‑Nonniani in iv orationes Gregorii Nazianzeni commentarii. Turnhout: Brepols
Keywords: architecture; biography; Christianity; definition; ethics; imagery; law; politics; religion; rhetoric; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 6 April 2014@12:48:13.
Vetted by:William Hutton (tweaks and typos) on 6 April 2014@13:11:33.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, status) on 6 April 2014@19:18:44.
David Whitehead (more notes; another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 7 April 2014@03:24:06.
William Hutton (cosmetics, tweaks and typos) on 7 April 2014@09:46:32.
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