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Search results for sigma,1084 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1084
Translated headword: stele of the forum
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Look in the [entry] "Forum" [
[It is said][2] that in the apse of the chamber of the Forum [sc. of Constantine] stood two stelae, one of Helena and one of Constantine, and there was a cross in between them which read: "One [is] holy."[3] There were likewise two stelae of couriers, and they were set up by the one who was in charge of the Forum.
Stele of the Cross. [See] above under the [entry] "Cross."[4]
Look for a stele of the mother of Constantine the Great in the [entry] "Augusteion."[5]
Look [sc. for information] about the stelae (pillars) of Heracles in the [entry] "Gadeira."[6]
[It is said][7] that in the Peripatos there were equestrian stelae (statues) of Gratian, Valentinian, and
Theodosius, as well as one of Firmilianus the hunchback set up in mockery.
Look for a stele (statue) of Heracles in the [entry] "Basilica"[8] and [sc. likewise for] various other stelae.
Look for a stele of Polucheria in the [entry] "Polucheria."[9]
Look for a stele at Chelone[10] in the [entry] "
[It is said][12] that a stele (gravestone) of Arcadia, second wife of
Zeno, is in the Arcadian [baths], in the part near the monument bases which are called "Places" (
*to/poi) in the area of the Arch-general.[13] There
Zeno tried the partisans of Basiliscus and made the place forbidden. But the first wife of
Zeno was Ariadne, and her stele (gravestone) stands with her husband in the royal [gate].[14]
[It is said][15] "In the Tribunalion of the Palace was a stele (statue) of Eudocia, wife of
Theodosius,[16] and [others] of
Theodosius himself, of Marcian, and of Constantine. There dances of two parties[17] occured until the time of Heraclius.
Look for the stele (statue) of Justinian from the Augusteion in the [entry] "Justinian."[18]
Greek Original:*sth/lh tou= fo/rou: zh/tei e)n tw=| fo/ros. o(/ti e)n th=| a(yi=di th=s kama/ras tou= fo/rou i(/stantai du/o sth=lai, *(ele/nhs kai\ *kwnstanti/nou, kai\ stauro\s e)n me/sw| au)tw=n, gra/fwn ei(=s a(/gios: kai\ du/o taxudro/mwn o(moi/ws sth=lai. a)nete/qhsan de\ u(po\ tou= to\n fo/ron e)pe/xontos. *sth/lh staurou=: o)pi/sw e)n tw=| stauro/s. zh/tei sth/lhn th=s mhtro\s tou= mega/lou *kwnstanti/nou e)n tw=| *au)goustei=on. zh/tei peri\ sthlw=n *(hraklei/wn e)n tw=| *ga/deira. o(/ti e)n tw=| *peripa/tw| e)/fippoi sth=lai i(/stanto *gratianou= kai\ *ou)alentinianou= kai\ *qeodosi/ou kai\ kurtou= *firmilianou= pro\s ge/lwta. zh/tei sth/lhn *(hrakle/ous e)n tw=| *basilikh/, kai\ e(te/ras sth/las diafo/rous. zh/tei sth/lhn e)n tw=| *bhri/nh. zh/tei sth/lhn *poluxeri/as e)n tw=| *poluxeri/a. zh/tei sth/lhn e)n th=| *xelw/nh e)n tw=| *proko/pios. o(/ti *)arkadi/as th=s deute/ras gunaiko\s *zh/nwnos sth/lh e)sti\n e)n *)arkadianai=s, e)n toi=s plhsi/on me/resi tw=n ba/qrwn, tw=n legome/nwn *to/pwn, e)n tw=| tou= *)arxistrath/gou: e)/nqa *zh/nwn e)/krine tou\s meta\ *basili/skou kai\ *se/kreton to\n to/pon e)poi/hsen. h( de\ prw/th tou= *zh/nwnos gunh\ h( *)aria/dnh h)=n, h(=s h( sth/lh meta\ tou= a)ndro\s au)th=s i(/statai e)n th=| *basilikh=|. o(/ti e)n tw=| *tribounali/w| tou= *palati/ou sth/lh h)=n *eu)doki/as, th=s gunaiko\s *qeodosi/ou, kai\ au)tou= de\ *qeodosi/ou *markianou= te kai\ *kwnstanti/nou. e)/nqa o)rxh/seis tw=n du/o merw=n e)gi/nonto e(/ws *(hraklei/ou. zh/tei sth/lhn th\n *)ioustinianou= para\ tou= *au)goustei/ou e)n tw=| *)ioustiniano/s.
This entry consists of a list of cross-references occasionally with quotations repeated from elsewhere. The various references include multiple kinds of
stelae: statues, grave monuments, and pillars. Many of the references are to statues or monuments situated in Constantinople. See Maas pp. 62-3 or web address 1 for a map of the city. See also web address 2 for
Byzantium 1200, an attempt to create a virtual 3D model of the city which is useful when trying to understand these topographical details. The Suda derives these details from the
Patria (also called
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum), especially from the
Parastaseis syntomai chronikai.
[1] Proper place name; see
phi 614.
[2] Quoted also at
epsilon 789. For this quotation compare
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum pp. 158-159 (ed. Preger).
[3] The Forum of Constantine was known as "the Forum" by the time of Justinian; see Maas p. 65.
[4] See
sigma 1010 for this cross.
[5] See
alpha 4413 under Augustus for the Augusteion.
[6] See
gamma 7 for the pillars of Heracles at Gadeira.
[7] For this quotation see also
gamma 427 and
phi 470.
[8] See
beta 157.
[9] The lady's name appears elsewhere in the Suda as Poulcheria (
pi 2145,
pi 2146). Compare the collection,
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum pp. 37, 38, 165 (ed. Preger).
[10] Context indicates that we should read here
th=| *xelw/nh|, not
tw=| *xelw/nh.
[11] See
pi 2480.
[12] For the quotation see
alpha 3947, and compare
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum p. 38 (ed. Preger).
[13] The arch-general is a designation of Michael the Archangel. The text of the
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum adds the distinguishing epithet
a(gi/ou. Compare Kuster's note on this entry. See Constantinus Porphyrogenitus
De Insidiis 169 (ed. de Boor) for the title.
[14] The "gate" is supplied from
alpha 3947.
[15] See
tau 950, and
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum p. 39 (ed. Preger) in which a textual variant suggests that there was no statue of
Theodosius here.
[16] In both cases here, the Suda refers to
Theodosius II, grandson of
Theodosius I. However, the
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum p. 39 (ed. Preger) differs by stating: "...a statue of Eudocia, wife of
Theodosius [II], the grandson of
Theodosius [I]..." The lack of identifying titles in the original source seems to have led to a conflation in the text of the Suda.
[17] From the parallel passage in the
Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum ibid., we understand that the reference is to the Green (Prasini) and Blue (Veneti) factions in the circus games. It is hard to tell exactly what sort of "dances" are meant here.
[18] See
iota 446. See web address 3 for a modern reconstruction of the (now lost) statue.
Maas, Michael. The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Justinian. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005.
Müller-Wiener, Wolfgang. Bildlexikon zur Topographie Istanbuls: Byzantion-Konstantinupolis-Istanbul bis zum Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts. Tübingen: E. Wasmuth, 1977.
Orlandos, Anastasios K., and Ioannes N. Traulos. Lexikon archaion architektonikon horon. Vivliotheke tes en Athenais Archaiologikes Hetaireias, ar. 94. Athens: En Athenais Archaiologike Hetaireia, 1986.
Preger, Theodor. Parastaseis syntomoi chronikai. Munich: Königliches Maximilians-Gymnasium, 1898. (web address 4)
Preger, Theodor. Scriptores Originum Constantinopolitanarum. 2 vols. Leipzig: Teubner, 1901-7. (web address 5 and web address 6)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4,
Web address 5,
Web address 6
Keywords: architecture; art history; athletics; biography; Christianity; geography; history; law; medicine; mythology; religion; women
Translated by: Abram Ring on 16 February 2010@12:29:26.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 16 February 2010@15:17:19.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note 9) on 16 February 2010@23:47:20.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 17 February 2010@03:45:41.
Abram Ring (biblio for Byzantine architecture, links to Preger, tweaks to head note) on 2 May 2010@16:53:40.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 23 November 2014@23:42:20.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, updated links) on 6 April 2022@23:29:14.
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