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Adler number: sigma,107
Translated headword: Sappho
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Daughter] of
Simon, though others [say] of Eumenos; others, of Eerigyos; others, of Ekrytos; others, of Semos; others, of Kamon; others, of Etarkhos; others, of Skamandronymos. Her mother was Kleis; [she was] a woman of
Lesbos, from Eressos,[1] a lyric poet, who was born in the 42nd Olympiad,[2] when
Alkaios also lived, and Stesikhoros, and
Pittakos.[3] She also had three brothers: Larikhos, Kharaxos, Eurygios. She was married to a most wealthy man, Kerkylas, who operated from
Andros,[4] and she had a daughter by him, who was named Kleis. There were three companions[5] and friends[6] of hers -- Atthis, Telesippa, Megara -- in respect of whom she incurred accusations of a shameful friendship/love.[7] Her pupils were Anagora of Miletus, Gongyla of
Kolophon and Euneika of
Salamis.[8] She wrote 9 books of lyric poems. And she first discovered the plectrum.[9] She also wrote epigrams and elegiacs and iambics and monodies.
Greek Original:*sapfw/, *si/mwnos, oi( de\ *eu)mh/nou, oi( de\ *)herigu/ou, oi( de\ *)ekru/tou, oi( de\ *sh/mou, oi( de\ *ka/mwnos, oi( de\ *)eta/rxou, oi( de\ *skamandrwnu/mou: mhtro\s de\ *kleido/s: *lesbi/a e)c *)eressou=, lurikh/, gegonui=a kata\ th\n mb# *)olumpia/da, o(/te kai\ *)alkai=os h)=n kai\ *sthsi/xoros kai\ *pittako/s. h)=san de\ au)th=| kai\ a)delfoi\ trei=s, *la/rixos, *xa/racos, *eu)ru/gios. e)gamh/qh de\ a)ndri\ *kerku/la| plousiwta/tw|, o(rmwme/nw| a)po\ *)/androu, kai\ qugate/ra e)poih/sato e)c au)tou=, h(\ *klei\s w)noma/sqh. e(tai=rai de\ au)th=s kai\ fi/lai gego/nasi trei=s, *)atqi/s, *telesi/ppa, *mega/ra: pro\s a(\s kai\ diabolh\n e)/sxen ai)sxra=s fili/as. maqh/triai de\ au)th=s *)anago/ra *milhsi/a, *goggu/la *kolofwni/a, *eu)nei/ka *salamini/a. e)/graye de\ melw=n lurikw=n bibli/a q#. kai\ prw/th plh=ktron eu(=ren. e)/graye de\ kai\ e)pigra/mmata kai\ e)legei=a kai\ i)a/mbous kai\ monw|di/as.
See also
sigma 108, and generally OCD4 s.v. (by Margaret Williamson). Further bibliography below; translations at web address 1.
[1] Eres[s]os, on the SW coast of the Aegean island of
[2] 612-609 BCE.
[3] See
delta 1496,
sigma 1095,
pi 1659.
[4] "Kerkylas from
Andros": these names seem to be bawdy puns. "Kerkylas" is unattested elsewhere and is apparently derived from
kerkos, penis;
Andros, while a real island, also means "of [a] man". Thus, the Suda claims that the famous Lesbian poet was married to "Dick Allcock from the Isle of Man," in Holt Parker's translation (309).
Sappho appeared as a character in numerous Greek comedies (see Campbell, 27), and Aly suggests that these may be the original source of "Kerkylas from
[5] "Companions" translates
hetairai, a word which can also mean "courtesans": see
epsilon 3265,
epsilon 3266.
[6] "Friends" translates
philai, which as an adjective means "beloved." LSJ s.v.
diabole translate it as "false accusation, slander." This leaves uncertain whether, in any given instance, the accusations made are actually false or true; they are, however, invariably malicious in intent.
[7] "Friendship" translates
philia, which can also mean "love."
[8] For the last-named cf.
epsilon 3589. On the whole question of
Sappho's "pupils," see Parker.
[9] An instrument for striking the lyre: see generally M.L. West,
Ancient Greek Music (Oxford 1992) index s.v., esp 65-68. The present claim is a very odd one; Campbell suggests that there may be a confusion with
pectis, a type of harp; cf. West, op.cit. 71-2.
Aly, W. "Sappho." RE II.2357-85. 1920
Campbell, David A., ed. and trans. Greek Lyric I: Sappho and Alcaeus. Loeb Classical Library. Harvard University Press, 1982
Parker, Holt N. "Sappho Schoolmistress," Transactions of the American Philological Association 123 (1993): 309-351
Williamson, M. Sappho's Immortal Daughters, Boston: Harvard University Press (1995)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; gender and sexuality; geography; meter and music; poetry; women
Translated by: Elizabeth Vandiver on 8 December 1998@11:42:45.
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