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Headword: *stefaniko\n te/lesma
Adler number: sigma,1067
Translated headword: crown levy, crown tax
Vetting Status: high
Among Rhodians [...] used to be called this,[1] since the Rhodians were autonomous; but a certain small part they sent annually to the Romans, to honour them, giving in this way not tribute to masters but rather a crown to friends. This form of words is also customary to the Hellenogalatian Ankyrans.[2] For they describe everything given in the name of gratitude as 'crown'.
Greek Original:
*stefaniko\n te/lesma: para\ *(rodi/ois ou(/tws e)kalei=to, e)peidh\ au)to/nomoi h)=san oi( *(ro/dioi: braxu\ de/ ti me/ros *(rwmai/ois e)pi\ timh=| pe/mpontes e)th/sion, w(s ou) fo/ron h(gemo/si ma=llon h)\ ste/fanon fi/lois dido/ntes. tou=to kai\ *(ellhnogala/tais toi=s *)agkuranoi=s e)pixwria/zei to\ lo/gion. stefaniko\n ga\r le/gousi pa=n to\ e)n xa/ritos lo/gw| dido/menon.
The headword phrase (attested only here) is the Greek equivalent of the Latin aurum coronarium, concerning which Fergus Millar's entry in OCD4 deserves quoting in full: 'Gold crowns were offered to rulers and conquerors in the ancient near east and in the Hellenistic world. Similar offerings were made from the early 2nd cent. BC to Roman generals (e.g. Plutarch Aemilius 34.5) and rapidly came to be exacted by them. A law of Caesar (59 BC) enacted that it should not be demanded until a triumph had been formally decreed. Under the empire, aurum coronarium went to the emperor alone and was exacted with increasing frequency, not only for triumphs (see Res Gestae 21; Pliny Natural History 33.54) but on imperial accessions, anniversaries, adoptions and so forth, and then became an irregular form of taxation on communities'.
Why the Suda's (unidentifiable) source here picks out Rhodes and Ankyra for special mention is unclear.
[1] Adler finds no fault with this opening, but surely a word or phrase is missing.
[2] cf. alpha 259.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 26 September 2010@07:59:33.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 27 September 2010@00:41:55.
David Whitehead (addition to notes; another keyword) on 27 September 2010@03:32:48.
David Whitehead (tweak) on 19 August 2011@09:39:35.
David Whitehead on 1 January 2014@05:06:24.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2014@11:58:28.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 6 April 2022@14:25:29.
Catharine Roth (expanded titles) on 6 April 2022@14:29:14.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 6 April 2022@22:59:47.


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