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Adler number: sigma,1066
Translated headword: Stephanephoros
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Antiphon in the [speech]
Against Nikokles [sc. uses the word].[1] There was a hero-shrine of Stephanephoros, it appears, in
Athens. Stephanephoros would seem to be one of the sons of Herakles, born of the daughters of Thestios; or perhaps the hero-shrine was that of the urban[2] Stephanephoros, as
Hellanicus says in [book] 2 of the
Greek Original:*stefanhfo/ros: *)antifw=n e)n tw=| pro\s *nikokle/a. *stefanhfo/rou h(rw=|on, w(s e)/oiken, h)=n e)n tai=s *)aqh/nais. ei)/h d' a)\n o( *stefanhfo/ros h)/toi tw=n *(hrakle/ous ui(e/wn ei(=s, tw=n genome/nwn e)k tw=n *qesti/ou qugate/rwn: h)\ mh/pote tou= a)stikou= *stefanhfo/rou to\ h(rw=|on h)=n, w(/s fhsin *(ella/nikos e)n b# *)atqi/dos.
From Harpokration s.v.
[1] Antiphon fr. 45 Sauppe (44 Thalheim).
[2] The adjective transmitted is
a)stikou=; Harpok. shows that it should be
*)attikou=, "Attic".
Hellanicus FGrH 323a F46.
Keywords: geography; historiography; mythology; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 December 2000@08:48:53.
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