*steri/fh: stei/ra, mh\ tekou=sa. kai\ *sterifopoiou=ntes, a)nti\ tou= stereou=ntes.
The SOL headword, mistakenly, is the entry's supplementary one.
[1] cf.
Hesychius sigma1769,
Synagoge sigma214,
Photius sigma532 Theodoridis, which all include
mhde\ ti/ktousa ["nor giving birth"] at the end. Probably from commentary to
Thesmophoriazusae 641 (cf.
scholia thereto for the first gloss), where the headword appears in this form (nominative singular feminine) and in this sense (see n. 2); cf. also ps.-Herodian,
Epimerismi 123.5, and
Moeris sigma46 for the first gloss and
Pollux 3.15 for the second. For other forms of the same adjective see
sigma 1050 and
sigma 1051.
[2] (Addendum lacking, Adler reports, in mss FV, and occurs after
sigma 1044 in a later hand in A.) This secondary lemma is present active participle, nominative plural masculine, of the verb
sterifopoiw=, a verb that is ostensibly compounded from the primary headword in its other attested sense of 'solid'. This verb is attested only in the Suda: in the form given here it appears two more times, at
epsilon 926 and
pi 445, both in the same quotation from an unidentified text; and in the present indicative first person singular (
sterifopoiw=) it appears as a secondary lemma under
sigma 1051.
No. of records found: 1
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