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Search results for sigma,1031 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,1031
Translated headword: root-crown
Vetting Status: high
Translation: If [sc. ste/lexos means] the trunk, or the root, [it is derived] from "having an end" [te/los e)/xein] or from what is "solid" [stereo/n]; but if [it means] the upper branches of the top, [it is derived] from "being near the end" [ei)s te/los e)/xesqai].[1]
Greek Original:*ste/lexos: ei) me\n o( kormo/s, h)/goun h( r(i/za, para\ to\ te/los e)/xein h)\ para\ to\ stereo/n: ei) de\ oi( a)/nw th=s korufh=s kla/doi, para\ to\ ei)s te/los e)/xesqai.
This etymologising of the noun
ste/lexos (which has figurative senses besides this literal one: see LSJ s.v.), variously neuter or masculine, is also in
Etymologicum Magnum 726.5-6.
cf. under
mu 1248,
pi 2243.
[1] Adler notes (but does not adopt) Kuster's view that this final infinitive should be
e)/rxesqai "coming to the end."
Keywords: botany; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 26 March 2014@01:11:51.
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