[Meaning] the dams of the rivers. "And he used to sweep away from their station and carry off the oaks and the plane-trees [and his enemies] by their roots."[1]
*sta/seis: ta\ a)naxw/mata tw=n potamw=n. kai\ th=s sta/sews parasu/rwn e)fo/rei ta\s dru=s kai\ ta\s plata/nous proqelu/mnous.
The headword is nominative/accusative plural of the multi-purpose feminine noun
stasis, the genitive singular of which occurs in the quotation given. For this sense of it see generally LSJ s.v., B.2. For other senses, cf.
sigma 1005,
sigma 1006.
[1] An abbreviation of
Knights 527-8, with a version of a scholion to 527. (The scholion has
a)naxw/smata, the Suda
a)naxw/mata.) The passage, from the parabasis of the play, is a metaphorical description of the vigorous style of the youthful
Cratinus (
kappa 2344).
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