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Search results for rho,71 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,71
Translated headword: rhapsodes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the ones reciting the works of
Homer in the theaters; they were so called because they recited while holding staffs [
rhabdoi].[1] But [the verb] to rhapsodize is to emit nonsense; or simply to take [the staff?] and to declaim, to no purpose.
Greek Original:*(rayw|doi/: oi( ta\ *(omh/rou e)/ph e)n toi=s qea/trois a)pagge/llontes: oi(\ e)klh/qhsan ou(/tws, e)pei\ r(a/bdous e)/xontes a)ph/ggellon. r(ayw|dh=sai de/ e)sti to\ fluarh=sai: h)\ to\ a(plw=s labei=n kai\ a)paggei=lai, xwri\s e)/rgou tino/s.
cf. generally
rho 67,
rho 68,
rho 69,
rho 70. The material of the present entry is similar to that in the
scholia to
Ion 530A, where the headword occurs.
[1] For this etymology cf. LSJ s.v.
r(a/bdos, para.6. An alternative and more common one connects the rhapsodes with the verb
r(a/ptein (
rho 47, and see LSJ s.v.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: Nathan Greenberg ✝ on 6 October 2002@09:31:32.
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