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Adler number: rho,55
Translated headword: radish
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Attic writers call a
raphanis what we ourselves call a
rephanos; moreover [they call] a
raphanos what we ourselves [call a]
krambe ["cabbage"]. It is called a radish because of the fact that it appears easily;[1] for the story [is that] once sown they grow quickly.[2] Also [sc. attested is the phrase] "to have been radished and to have one's hair singed off with ash", in
Aristophanes. In reference to those behaving shamefully. For that is how they used to abuse men caught in seduction: they took radishes and stuffed them up their asses, and plucking them they sprinkled hot ashes on them, devising suitable torments.[3] And elsewhere: "a diner could not take from his elders a head of radish or dill or celery or snack on it, nor eat a thrush, nor hold his feet crossed".[4] The head of the radish is the top and stem to the leaves. They did not cut a radish lengthwise as now, but in a circle.
kixli/zein can mean to eat a thrush[5] or to laugh disruptively.
Greek Original:*(rafani/s: r(afani=da fasi\n *)attikoi/, h(\n h(mei=s r(e/fano/n famen: pa/lin de\ r(a/fanon, h(\n h(mei=s kra/mbhn. ei)/rhtai de\ r(afani\s para\ to\ r(a|di/ws fai/nesqai: lo/gos ga/r, w(s speiro/menai qa=tton a)ni/asi. kai\ *(rafanidwqh=nai kai\ te/fra| tilqh=nai, para\ *)aristofa/nei. e)pi\ tw=n a)selgw=n. ou(/tw ga\r tou\s a(lo/ntas moixou\s h)|ki/zonto: r(afani=das lamba/nontes kaqi/esan ei)s tou\s prwktou\s tou/twn kai\ parati/llontes au)tou\s qermh\n te/fran e)pe/patton, basa/nous i(kana\s e)rgazo/menoi. kai\ au)=qis: ou)d' a)\n e(le/sqai deipnou=nt' e)ch=n kefa/laion th=s r(afani=dos, ou)d' a)/nhqon tw=n presbute/rwn ou)de\ se/linon a(rpa/zein, ou)d' o)yofagei=n, ou)de\ kixli/zein, ou)d' i)/sxein tw\ po/d' e)nalla/c. kefa/laion de\ r(afani=dos th\n kefalh/n fhsi to\ pro\s ta\ fu/lla kaulw=des. ou)k e)/temnon de\ kata\ mh=kos w(s nu=n, a)lla\ kata\ ku/klon th\n r(afani=da. kixli/zein de\ to\ ki/xlas e)sqi/ein, oi( de\ to\ a)ta/ktws gela=n.
[1] That is, the Greek adverb "easily",
r(a|di/ws, along with the verb
fai/nein, is connected with the word radish -- which is highly unlikely. The same etymology is given by
Deipnosophists 2.56D-E (2.48 Kaibel).
[2] From the
scholia to
Plutus [
Wealth] 544.
[3] From the
scholia to
Clouds 1083 (where a concrete version of this phrase occors). Compare
mu 1360,
pi 467,
rho 55, and
omega 62; and see generally K. Kapparis, "Humiliating the adulterer: the law and the practice in classical
RIDA 43 (1996) 63-77.
[4] Quoted almost verbatim from
Clouds 981-3; cf.
kappa 1444,
kappa 1694.
[5] Incorrect. Rather, to chirp like a thrush, giggle, titter. See LSJ s.v.
Keywords: botany; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; gender and sexuality; law
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 11 May 1999@13:01:27.
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