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Adler number: rho,33
Translated headword: Nemesis of Rhamnous, Rhamnousian Nemesis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: She[1] was first modelled on the appearance of Aphrodite; that is why she held a sprig from an appletree. Erechtheus set her up,[2] since she was his mother, but she was named Nemesis and reigned in the place.[3] But Pheidias[4] made the statue, whose inscription favored his beloved, Agorakritos of
Paros.[5] He also inscribed "Autarkhes" on the finger of Zeus at
Olympia. This man was a handsome Argive, his beloved.[6]
There is also a proverb, 'Rhamnousios', in reference to to the wise and well-regarded.[7]
Greek Original:*(ramnousi/a *ne/mesis: au(/th prw=ton a)fi/druto e)n *)afrodi/ths sxh/mati: dio\ kai\ kla/don ei)=xe mhle/as. i(dru/sato de\ au)th\n *)erexqeu/s, mhte/ra e(autou= ou)=san, o)nomazome/nhn de\ *ne/mesin kai\ basileu/sasan e)n tw=| to/pw|. to\ de\ a)/galma *feidi/as e)poi/hsen: ou(= th\n e)pigrafh\n e)xari/sato *)agorakri/tw| tw=| *pari/w| e)rwme/nw|. o(\s kai\ *)olumpi/asi tw=| daktu/lw| tou= *dio\s e)pe/grayen, *au)ta/rxhs. kalo\s d' h)=n ou(=tos *)argei=os, e)rw/menos au)tou=. le/getai de\ kai\ paroimi/a, *(ramnou/sios, e)pi\ tw=n sofw=n kai\ e)llogi/mwn.
Lexicon rho34 Theodoridis. The entry matches two adjacent ones in the
Mantissa Proverbiorum (2.76-77); for the single divergence between them see n. 6 below.
On Nemesis see also
alpha 524 and
nu 163.
[1] i.e. her statue.
[2] i.e. established the sanctuary.
[3] The town (and deme) of Rhamnous, in NE Attica, for which see under
rho 32.
phi 246.
[5] The actual sculptor of this statue: see the
Oxford Dictionary of Art, s.v. Agoracritus ("Greek sculptor from
Paros of the second half of the 5th cent. BC, a pupil of Phidias. His most celebrated work was a colossal marble statue of Nemesis at
Rhamnus; a fragment of the head is in the British Museum, London"), and under OCD4 Agoracritus. The mistaken attribution to Pheidias himself is at least as old as
Pausanias 1.33.3.
[6] In
Mantissa Proverbiorum 2.76 the name is Eparches. The correct version seems actually to be Pantarches/Pantarkes: so in
Clement of Alexandria,
Protrepticus 4.53.4, and elsewhere).
[7] See already
rho 32.
Keywords: aetiology; art history; biography; botany; daily life; gender and sexuality; geography; mythology; proverbs; religion; women
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 22 May 2002@15:56:24.
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