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Adler number: rho,303
Translated headword: lathers
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Used] with an accusative. [Meaning he/she/it] washes off, cleanses with soap. Also [sc. attested is the the middle-voice]
r(u/ptomai ["I lather myself"], meaning I cleanse myself with soap.
Aristophanes [writes]: "but never before, since I've been lathering myself, have I been so stung in the eyebrows by soap-powder as now." [Here] "I've been lathering myself" stands for "I've been cleansing myself with soap;" i.e., metaphorically, "I've been alive;" for a concomitant of being alive is lathering oneself, i.e. cleansing oneself with soap; for
r(u/mata[1] [are] soaps. Alternatively:
r(u/ptesqai ["to lather oneself"] [is] to cleanse oneself with soap, by insertion of tau, to remove dirt [
r(u/pos]. And "dirt" is, by omission of chi, the staining that "exists in the skin" [
xrwti\ u(pw/n]. [The words] "in the eyebrows by soap-powder" come as a surprise. For whereas he should have said "in the heart by grief"[2], what he said was "by soap-powder"; because those who smell dust[3] feel a stinging in the eyebrows.
Greek Original:*(ru/ptei: ai)tiatikh=|. a)poklu/zei, smh/xei. kai\ *(ru/ptomai, a)nti\ tou= smh/xomai. *)aristofa/nhs: a)ll' ou)depw/pot', e)co/tou 'gw\ r(u/ptomai, ou(/tws e)dh/xqhn u(po\ koni/as ta\s o)fru=s, w(s nu=n. r(u/ptomai, a)nti\ tou= smh/xomai: toute/sti zw=, metaforikw=s: tw=| ga\r zw=nti e(/petai to\ r(u/ptesqai, o(/ e)sti smh/xesqai: r(u/mata ga\r ta\ smh/gmata. h)\ ou(/tws: r(u/ptesqai, to\ sma=sqai, paremptw/sei tou= t, to\ to\n r(u/pon a)fairei=sqai. o( de\ r(u/pos kat' a)fai/resin tou= x r(u/pos, o( tw=| xrwti\ u(pw\n spi/los. u(po\ koni/as de\ ta\s o)fru=s, par' u(po/noian. de/on ga\r ei)pei=n u(po\ lu/phs th\n kardi/an, u(po\ koni/as de\ ei)=pe: dio/ti oi( ko/nin o)smw/menoi da/knontai ta\s o)fru=s.
The opening definition of the headword itself (for which cf. under
nu 372) is found in much the same form in the
Synagoge (rho64) and in
Lexicon (rho182 Theodoridis). Being third person singular, it must originate from a gloss on some (probably poetic) text, but the source is unidentifiable.
The rest of the entry derives from the
scholia to
Acharnians 17-18; the Aristophanic passage itself is quoted in full. For "soap-powder,"
koni/a, see LSJ s.v., II; it was a mixture of ash and water.
[1] The correct classical spelling is
r(u/mmata (as at
rho 292).
[2] The Aristophanic passage quoted is part of a soliloquy by Dikaiopolis, who is recalling various occasions on which his heart has been (delighted or) grieved (the words
kardi/a or
ke/ar "heart" are used at lines 1, 5 and 12, and words for "grief" or "pain" appear at lines 3 and 9). These recollections prove to be a priamel to a declaration that none of them matches what he is experiencing at this moment -- coming early to the Pnyx for an important assembly meeting and finding the place deserted.
[3] Greek
ko/nin o)smw/menoi -- nonsensical, but doubtless what the compiler wrote, since it is the transmitted reading in the Aristophanic scholion he was copying; this was emended by Kuster to
koni/a| smw/menoi "who wash themselves with soap".
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Alan Sommerstein on 5 December 2003@05:15:32.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (ventured to modify aspects of translation; additions to notes; cosmetics) on 5 December 2003@07:54:44.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 18 October 2005@06:53:18.
David Whitehead (another keyword; cosmetics; raised status) on 25 August 2011@06:16:26.
David Whitehead (x-ref; cosmetics) on 30 October 2013@07:18:37.
David Whitehead (coding) on 21 June 2016@08:44:33.
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