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Search results for rho,291 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,291
Translated headword: defence, protection; draw, that which is drawn
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] guarding.[1]
"A miserable defence of a tower do they become." Meaning a worthless guarding of the city.[2]
"After shooting many arrows at once, the barbarians were sailing round by the Romans into a bow's draw[-range]."[3]
Eunapius [writes]: "some rock having been dragged away into a bow's draw[-range]."[4] That is, [its] pull-back.
And elsewhere: "the mighty among them were fastening towing-lines, drawing them from their ships to the others, and the bridge was being held fast by the towing-lines."[5]
And elsewhere: "to these rafts they also bound more towing-lines, by which they intended that the towing boats would not allow [sc. the rafts] to be carried down the river, but by force holding them fast against the current, to have the whole contingent conveyed across the river."[6] And elsewhere
Polybius [writes]: "behind these [sc. ships] they positioned the horse-carriers, having put towing-lines from them to the ships in the third squadron."[7] "They were towing the horse-carriers."[8]
Greek Original:*(ru=ma: fulakh/. xalepo\n pu/rgou r(u=ma pe/lontai. a)nti\ tou= eu)telh\s po/lews fulakh/. e)s to/cou r(u=ma perie/pleon toi=s *(rwmai/ois oi( ba/rbaroi, polla\ a(/ma be/lh a)fie/ntes. *eu)na/pios: pe/tra de/ tis a)pespasme/nh e)s to/cou r(u=ma. toute/stin e(/lkusma. kai\ au)=qis: krataiw=s e)k tou/twn a)nh=pton ta\ r(u/mata, lamba/nontes e)k tw=n kat' a)/llhla ploi/wn, kai\ katei/xeto to\ zeu=gma toi=s r(u/masi. kai\ au)=qis: r(u/mata de\ kai\ plei/w tai=s sxedi/ais e)nh=yan, oi(=s e)/mellon oi( le/mboi r(umoulkou=ntes ou)k e)a/sein fe/resqai kata\ tou= potamou=, bi/a| de\ pro\s to\n r(ou=n kate/xontes parakomiei=sqai to\ o(/lon e)/rgon kata\ tou= potamou=. kai\ au)=qis *polu/bios: e)pi\ tou/tois e)pe/sthsan ta\s i(pphgou/s, r(u/mata do/ntes e)c au)tw=n tai=s tou= tri/tou sto/lou nausi/n. e)rumou/lkoun ta\s i(pphgou\s nau=s.
The headword, a neuter noun, has two senses, differentiated in LSJ s.v.
r(u=ma as (A) and (B). Both are illustrated here.
Hesychius provides this same gloss, s.v.
[2] Quoted approximately from
Ajax 159 (with scholion): the hero's sailors, comprising the chorus, define the fighting capabilities of small men without support from great ones (web address 1).
[3] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 58 (Roos,
Flavivs Arrianvs, p. 241). Adler notes that Roos preferred
tou\s *(rwmai/ous; the barbarians were sailing
around the Romans (ibid., p. 241 note; Roos,
Studia Arrianea, p. 47 note). Blockley includes this passage among his fragments, but allows that it is possibly not Eunapian (pp. 126-7, p. 150). The battle tactic of keeping
e)s to/cou r(u=ma, again in the next passage quoted, entails staying within one's own bow-and-arrow range of a foe,
within the protection of the bow-shot, yet safe from any return fire.
Eunapius fr. 93 FHG (4.54); Blockley, pp. 126-7.
[5] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 58 (Roos, p. 241).
[6] Quoted approximately from
Polybius 3.46.5 (web address 2), which describes Hannibal's (OCD(4) s.v. and
alpha 2452) design of a dirt-covered raft-bridge for ferrying elephants across the Rhône River (218 BCE); cf. Walbank, p. 380.
[7] An approximate quotation of
Polybius 1.26.14 (web address 3), detailing Roman strategy against the Carthaginians in the huge naval battle (256 BCE) off Cape Ecnomus, near present-day Licata,
Sicily (Barrington Atlas map 47 grid D4); Walbank, pp. 85-87.
[8] Quoted approximately from
Polybius 1.27.9 (web address 4).
A.G. Roos, ed., Flavivs Arrianvs: Scripta Minora et Fragmenta, vol. II, (Leipzig 1967)
A.G. Roos, Studia Arrianea, (Leipzig 1912)
R.C. Blockley, The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, vol. II, (Liverpool 1983)
F.W. Walbank, A Historical Commentary on Polybius, vol. I, (Oxford, 1957)
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3,
Web address 4
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; science and technology; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Ronald Allen on 21 March 2008@03:11:26.
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