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Search results for rho,248 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,248
Translated headword: force, might; Rome
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] strength.[1]
Also [sc. attested is upper-case] Rome, [meaning] the city [of that name].[2]
[The city] which, when 477 years had passed from its first settlement ... they were untested in external wars ... expecting that the war with the Carthaginians would be such as had not yet been, made a census of the population and found the number of the citizens not much less than 300,000.[3]
[Note] that
Athenaeus said that Rome [was] an epitome of the inhabited world.[4]
See also under chiliarch.[5]
Greek Original:*(rw/mh: i)sxu/s. kai\ *(rw/mh, h( po/lis. h(/tis a)po\ tou= prw/tou sunoikismou= diagegono/twn z# kai\ o# kai\ u# e)tw=n, a)pei/ratoi h)=san u(perori/wn pole/mwn, to\n de\ pro\s *karxhdoni/ous o(/son ou)/pw pare/sesqai po/lemon prosdexo/menos e)ce/tasin e)poiei=to tou= plh/qous kai\ eu(=ren a)riqmo\n tw=n politw=n ou) polu\ a)poleipo/menon l# muria/dwn. o(/ti th\n *(rw/mhn e)pitomh\n th=s oi)koume/nhs ei)=pen *)aqh/naios. kai\ zh/tei e)n tw=| xili/arxos.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius rho206 Theodoridis. For 'strength' see
iota 732.
[2] cf.
rho 249.
[3] cf.
rho 247,
upsilon 340.
Deipnosophists 1.20B (1.37 Kaibel): "he also says that if someone were to call Rome an epitome of the inhabited world he would not shoot wide of the mark".
chi 305.
Keywords: chronology; definition; geography; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 September 2006@00:47:43.
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