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Adler number: rho,240
Translated headword: Rouphinos, Rufinus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This man lived during the reign of
Theodosius[1] and was profoundly clever[2] and devious.[3] This man and Stilicho[4] were guardians of
Theodosius' children.[5] Both men plundered everything,[6] since they regarded power [to consist of] wealth, and no one retained any private property unless they allowed it.[7] All trials were decided by them and a great mob raced around [seeking to discover] whether anyone owned a rich and productive piece of land anywhere; and [sc. if so] the owner was immediately under arrest, ensnared by a plausible indictment through those who had been suborned. And the injured party was done [further] injury, since the injurer was the judge.
Rufinus reached this stage of immeasurably evil greed: he sold the public slaves[9] and every public law court judged in favor of
Rufinus. And the mob of flatterers at his side was large. These flatterers, who just yesterday and the day before had fled from the tavern, and from cleaning the benches and sweeping the floor, and now had put on purple-bordered mantles and been pinned with gold brooches and bound tight by gold-encrusted signet-rings.[10] You may find many things [said] against
Rufinus in the
Chronicle of
Eunapius of
Arcadius and Honorius held power in name, all authority and force were held by
Rufinus in the East and at the will of Stilicho in the West.[12] They judged all legal matters according to their whim and he departed victorious whoever had secured the vote by bribery or whoever in some other way, such as by family connections, had gained the goodwill of the judge. Property, of the sort which made its owners be called fortunate by the mouths of all, passed into their possession.[13] Some flattered them with gifts, and by this avoided being denounced; others willingly offered their possessions to obtain power or to purchase some other means of ruining cities. With every form of knavery prevailing in the cities, wealth flowed into the possession of
Rufinus and Stilicho from every direction. Poverty everywhere encroached on the households of those who once were wealthy. The Emperors understood not a thing of what was happening; but they approved only what
Rufinus and Stilicho ordered. After unfathomable wealth had been collected by these men,
Rufinus even dreamed of aspiring to the throne.
Greek Original:*(roufi=nos: ou(=tos e)pi\ *qeodosi/ou h)=n, baqugnw/mwn a)/nqrwpos kai\ kruyi/nous. h)=san de\ ou(=to/s te kai\ *steli/xwn e)pi/tropoi tw=n *qeo- dosi/ou pai/dwn. a)/mfw ta\ pa/nta sunh/rpazon, e)n tw=| plou/tw| to\ kra/tos tiqe/menoi, kai\ ou)dei\s ei)=xen i)/dion ou)de/n, ei) mh\ tou/tois e)/doce. di/kai te a(/pasai pro\s tou/tois e)dika/zonto, kai\ polu\s h)=n o)/xlos tw=n periqeo/ntwn, ei)/ pou tini\ xwri/on u(pa/rxoi pantomige/s te kai\ eu)/karpon: kai\ o( despo/ths eu)qu\s sunh/rpasto, kathgori/as peplasme/nhs eu)lo/gou dia/ tinwn u(feime/nwn e)nhdreume/nhs. kai\ o( a)dikou/menos h)dikei=to, tou= a)dikou=ntos kri/nontos. e)s tou=to de\ o( *(roufi=nos e)xw/rhsen a)metroka/kou pleoneci/as, w(/ste kai\ a)ndra/poda dhmo/sia a)phmpo/lei, kai\ o(/sa dhmo/sia dikasth/ria *(roufi/nw| pa/ntes e)di/kazon. kai\ o( tw=n kola/kwn peri\ au)to\n o)/xlos h)=n polu/s. oi( de\ ko/lakes xqe\s me\n kai\ prw/hn dedrako/tes tou= kaphlei/ou kai\ tou= ta\ ba/qra kallu/nein kai\ tou)/dafos korei=n, a)/rti de\ xlamu/das ta/s te eu)paru/fous e)ndeduko/tes kai\ pero/nais xrusai=s diapeperonhme/noi kai\ sfragi=si xrusode/tois diesfigme/noi. ta\ de\ polla\ kata\ *(roufi/nou eu(/rois e)n th=| tou= *sardianou= *eu)napi/ou *xronografi/a|. o(/ti e)pi\ *)arkadi/ou kai\ *(onwri/ou, tou/twn a)/xri o)noma/twn e)xo/ntwn to\ kra/tos, h( pa=sa a)rxh\ kai\ du/namis h)=n, kata\ me\n th\n e(w/|an para\ *(roufi/nw|, kata\ de\ th\n e(spe/ran e)pi\ *steli/xwnos gnw/mh|. di/kai te pa=sai par' au)toi=s kat' e)cousi/an e)kri/nonto, kai\ a)ph/ei kekrathkw\s o( xrhma/twn th\n yh=fon w)nou/menos pollw=n, oi)keio/thti th\n tou= dika/zontos e)pispw/menos eu)/noian. kth/mata de/, o(/sa tou\s kuri/ous e)n toi=s a(pa/ntwn e)poi/ei sto/masin eu)dai/monas o)noma/zesqai, meth/|ei pro\s tou/tous, tw=n me\n dwreai=s qerapeuo/ntwn kai\ tou/tw| to\ sukofantei=sqai diafeugo/ntwn, e(te/rwn de\ ta\ oi)kei=a proi+eme/nwn u(pe\r tou= tuxei=n a)rxh=s h)\ a)/llon tina pri/asqai tw=n po/lewn o)/leqron. panto\s de\ ei)/dous ponhri/as tai=s po/lesin e)pipola/zontos, o( me\n a(pantaxo/qen plou=tos e)s th\n *(roufi/nou kai\ *steli/xwnos oi)ki/an e)se/rrei, h( de\ peni/a kata\ pa/nta to/pon e)pene/meto ta\s tw=n pa/lai ploutou/ntwn oi)ki/as. h)|sqa/nonto de\ tw=n ginome/nwn oi( basilei=s ou)deno/s, a)ll' e)/grafon mo/non, o(/sa *(roufi=nos e)pe/tatte kai\ *steli/xwn. e)pei\ de\ a)/spetos h)=n au)toi=s plou=tos suneilegme/nos, h)/dh kai\ th\n basilei/an e(autw=| mna=sqai o( *(roufi=nos w)neiropo/lei.
Rufinus: b. 350-365?; d. November 27, 395 CE; consul 392 CE. See OCD4 s.v.
Rufinus(1); PLRE
Rufinus 18. Seeck's entry in RE (in bibliography below) remains an indispensable collection of information about this figure.
This entry consists almost entirely of two excerpts from the (now lost) "E" text, a compilation produced during the reign of Constantine Porphyrogenitus (913 - 959 CE), and illustrates the limitations of the Suda's method of compilation. Both excerpts ultimately derive from
Chronicle (the first excerpt is Blockley,
Eunapius fr. 62.2), with the second half of the entry being filtered through
Nova Historia 5.1.1-4.
Chronicle, now lost except for fragments, was an important source for
Zosimus, Philostorgius, and Sozomen. He eschewed a chronological explication of history in favor of character analysis.
Zosimus followed
Eunapius very closely, to the point that his account of this time period is essentially an abbreviation in five books of
Eunapius' fourteen. As a result, this entry only treats
Rufinus' personal character and rapacity during the height of his career and obscures his political intrigues against competitors in the eastern Court and the disputes with the regent in the West, Stilicho (
sigma 1032), which eventually resulted in his death.
Rufinus was a native of Gaul from the town of Elusa. Although little is known about his early life, he may have been involved in some sort of commerce (Codinus 74 = Migne Gr. 157.548-549). The date and mode of his arrival at the Eastern court are unknown. By 388,
Rufinus had attained a prominent position under
Theodosius (
theta 144), possibly as
Magister Officiorum (
Ep. 784;
Ep. 3.81-91), a position he definitively held by 390 (
Cod. Theod. 10.22.3).
Rufinus encouraged the emperor
Theodosius in his indiscriminate punishment of the inhabitants of Thessalonica and later played a crucial role in the emperor's reconciliation with Ambrose of
Milan (Theodoret,
Historia Ecclesiastica 5.18.10; Ambrose,
Epistle 52). After ruthlessly disposing of several rivals at the court in Constantinople (
kappa 2287),
Rufinus received the high honor of sharing the consulship with
Theodosius' son
Arcadius in 392. When
Theodosius died, in January 395 CE,
Rufinus was
Praefectus Praetorio Orientis and immediately became the
de facto ruler of the East. His position, however, was tenuous, especially since many troops from the East remained in the West under the command of
Rufinus' enemy Stilicho. In the spring of 395,
Rufinus persuaded
Arcadius to recall these troops. On November 27, 395, as
Rufinus and
Arcadius reviewed the their arrival, these troops killed
Rufinus, whose body was desecrated by the inhabitants of Constantinople.
Rufinus' estates were confiscated and his wife and daughter fled to
Jerusalem where they lived in poverty.
Rufinus is the subject of a withering invective by the poet
Claudian (
kappa 2776, web address 1) but emerges as a competent, if ambitious, official in Ambrose,
Symmachus, and
Libanius, the last of whom promised but never executed a panegyric to
Rufinus (
Epistle 1029). See Seeck in RE and Levy 1971 for analysis of these sources. A sadistic image of
Rufinus appears in
lambda 684, which is also copied from
Zosimus (
NH 5.2.2-4).
Theodosius I:
theta 144.
beta 31.
kappa 2509.
[4] General and advisor to
Theodosius who became regent to Honorius and
de facto ruler of the western Empire from 395 – 408 CE; see
sigma 1032.
[5] viz. Flavius
Arcadius, ruler of the eastern Roman Empire (383-408 CE: see OCD4 s.v.
Arcadius(2)), and Honorius, who ruled the West (393 – 423 CE: see
omicron 405).
ou(=tos -
*qeodosi/oualso appears in
beta 31 and
gamma 287.
a)/mfw -
sunh/rpazon =
sigma 1032.
Rufinus' rapacity is well-attested in the extant sources:
In Rufinum 1.100-4, 186f., 220-2, 296, 299, 305; 2.99, 134-136, 410, 436-439, 498-501;
Ep. 6.14.1; Hieronymus,
Ep. 60.16;
NH 5.7.6; John Lydus,
De Mag. 2.10 (Levy 1971: 233).
ei)/ -
kri/nontos =
pi 240; cf. John of
Antioch fr. 188 FHG (4.610), now 281 Roberto = EV 1, 202, 19f.
e)xw/rhsen -
a)phmpo/lei =
alpha 1562, which begins
e)s tosou=ton de\.
xqe\s -
diesfigme/noi =
beta 30;
kai\ pero/nais -
diesfigme/noi =
pi 1362.
[11] See introduction above for
[12] The remainder of this entry is copied from
NH 5.1.1-4. The first sentence is slightly abbreviated and rendered in simpler syntax; beginning with
du/namis the rest of the entry is identical to
Cod. Theod. 9.4.14 and 9.42.14 confirm that
Rufinus' acquisitiveness had some foundation in historical reality and was not simply a trope elaborated by hostile sources.
Cod. Theod. 2.9.3 could be an attempt by
Rufinus to prevent his victims from countersuing over extorted property, but this interpretation is uncertain (Levy 1971: 233).
Blockley, R.C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire : Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, (Liverpool, 1981)
Fargues, P. Claudien: études sur sa poesie et son temps, (Paris, 1933): 65-76
Levy, H.L. and C. Claudianus. Claudian's In Rufinum: an Exegetical Commentary, (Detroit, 1971)
Rohrbacher, D. The Historians of Late Antiquity, (London & New York, 2002)
Seeck, O. RE: 1.1189.15-1193.35
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; biography; children; chronology; clothing; economics; ethics; historiography; history; law; poetry; politics; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Bret Mulligan on 24 November 2003@20:06:10.
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