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Search results for rho,230 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,230
Translated headword: inclination, weight
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "Impulse [is] a charactistic of a soul, but inclination of a body. Impulse would be better than inclination, since a soul also [sc. is better] than a body. For what is better and worse, in being compared according to what is proper to them, have a difference, and, according to this, the better is above the worse. For example, if a god and a man and a horse are living beings, none of them is different from another according to their common genus. And since god is better than man and man [better] than horse, it remains that its difference is according to what is proper [to it]. Now if immortality is proper to god, being capable of receiving knowledge [is proper] to man, and being able to neigh [is proper to] horse, immortality is better than being capable of receiving knowledge, and being capable of receiving knowledge [is better] than being able to neigh. Thus is also in the case of inclination and impulse. It seems that what is better and worse exist among things of the same genus, because comparison also exists among things which have commonality with each other."[1]
"And under a single impulse they were proclaiming to the ranks both the intent of the general and the established orders."[2]
Greek Original:*(roph/: yuxh=s me\n i)/dion o(rmh/, sw/matos de\ r(oph/. ei)/h a)\n o(rmh\ r(oph=s belti/wn, e)pei\ kai\ yuxh\ sw/matos. to\ ga\r be/ltion kai\ xei=ron sugkrino/mena kata\ ta\ i)/dia au)tw=n e)/xei th\n diafora\n kai\ kata\ tou=to to\ be/ltion u(pere/xei tou= xei/ronos. oi(=on, ei) zw=|a o( qeo\s kai\ o( a)/nqrwpos kai\ o( i(/ppos, kata\ me\n to\ ge/nos to\ koino\n ou)de\n a)llh/lwn diafe/rei. e)pei\ de\ belti/wn me\n o( qeo\s tou= a)nqrw/pou, o( de\ a)/nqrwpos tou= i(/ppou, lei/petai, th\n diafora\n au)tou= ei)=nai kata\ ta\ i)/dia. ei) ou)=n qeou= me\n i)/dion a)qanasi/a, a)nqrw/pou de\ to\ e)pisth/mhs dektiko/n, i(/ppou de\ to\ xremetistiko/n, h( a)qanasi/a belti/wn tou= e)pisth/mhs dektikou=, to\ de\ e)pisth/mhs dektiko\n tou= xremetistikou=. ou(/tws kai\ h( r(oph\ kai\ h( o(rmh/. dokei= de\ to\ be/ltion kai\ to\ xei=ron e)n toi=s o(mogene/sin ei)=nai, e)peidh\ kai\ h( su/gkrisis e)n toi=s koinwni/an e)/xousi pro\s a)/llhla. kai\ u(po\ mi/an r(oph\n h(/ te dia/noia tou= strathgou= kai\ ta\ diatetagme/na prohgo/reuon tai=s ta/cesi.
Another sense of the headword at
rho 231.
[1] From John
Commentary on Aristotle's de anima 235.26ff.
[2] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable.
Keywords: biography; definition; military affairs; philosophy; religion; zoology
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 12 December 2003@20:33:25.
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