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Headword: *(rombostwmulh/qra
Adler number: rho,224
Translated headword: braggadocio
Vetting Status: high
Eubulides says: "the Eristic, asking his horned questions and confounding the orators with bogus-pretentious arguments, has gone, with the braggadocio of Demosthenes."
Greek Original:
*(rombostwmulh/qra: *eu)bouli/dhs fhsi/n: ou(ristiko\s kerati/nas e)rwtw=n kai\ yeudalazo/sin lo/gois tou\s r(h/toras kuli/wn a)ph=lq', e)/xwn *dhmosqe/nous th\n r(ombostwmulh/qran.
A garbled version of Diogenes Laertius 2.108, where the quotation comes from an unnamed comic poet (Comica adespota fr. 294 Kock, now 149 K.-A.) and includes the name given here: 'Eubulides the Eristic...'. (For the mid-C4-BCE philosopher Eubulides of Miletus -- purportedly a teacher of Demosthenes -- and, inter alia, his Horned Argument ["have you lost your horns?"], see generally OCD(4) s.v.) Furthermore the headword here, repeated in the course of the entry itself, is a garbled version of the original; Plutarch, Demosthenes 9 shows that it should be r(wpoperperh/thra.
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 December 2002@11:42:59.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 22 December 2002@18:27:42.
David Whitehead (augmented note; typo and other cosmetics) on 1 January 2004@05:35:42.
David Whitehead (another typo) on 1 January 2004@11:41:41.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 25 August 2011@04:30:22.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@11:08:33.
David Whitehead on 29 December 2014@08:37:23.
David Whitehead on 25 May 2016@07:18:58.


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