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Search results for rho,218 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,218
Translated headword: crashing, dashing
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning moving] with a certain impulse and rush.[1]
Josephus [writes]: "riding a horse crashing out of the flank he seizes one of the enemy in flight."[2]
And elsewhere: "he shakes the cavalry on them in a mass, and they were frightened by it, not enduring the crashing."[3]
That is, the momentum and speed with noise.[4]
It is called
r(o/qion from the noise [
r(o/qos] which is heard from the oars, when they row vigorously.[5]
Greek Original:*(ro/qion: su\n o(rmh=| tini kai\ r(u/mh|. *)iw/shpos: r(o/qion e)k plagi/ou parelau/nwn i(/ppon a(rpa/zei tina\ feu/gonta tw=n polemi/wn. kai\ au)=qis: e)nsei/ei au)toi=s th\n i(/ppon a)qro/an, oi( de\ diesobh/qhsan u(p' au)th=s, ou)k e)negko/ntes to\ r(o/qion. toute/sti to\ o(rmhtiko\n kai\ o)cu/rropon meta\ h)/xou. *(ro/qion kalei=tai para\ to\n r(o/qon to\n e)k tw=n kwpw=n a)kouo/menon, o(/tan sfodrw=s e)lau/nwsin.
See already
rho 217, and cf.
rho 216.
[1] cf.
rho 220.
[2] A excerpt, with slight modification, of
Jewish War 6.161 (the original has 'the/his horse' rather than 'a horse'). See web address 1. A looser paraphrase of the same passage is given at
sigma 1098; cf. also
tau 691.
[3] Quotation (already in part at
epsilon 1431) unidentifiable.
[4] cf.
rho 220. The present phrase seems to be proffered as a gloss on the quotation just given, but it also has parallels in the
scholia on
Odyssey 5.412 (where a crashing wave is mentioned); see also
Hesychius s.v. and
Etymologicum Magnum 705.10.
[5] From Harpokration (and
Photius) s.v., glossing
Hyperides fr. 157 Jensen, and going on to cite
Aristophanes and
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; historiography; history; military affairs; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 7 October 2010@01:31:32.
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