The wave with a noise; or a flow [
From flowing [
r(ei=n] swiftly.[1]
It also means rowing. Also [sc. attested is the verb]
r(oqia/zein ["to make a dashing noise"], to row vigorously.[2]
"But falling into the sea they were carried by the dashing [wave]."[3]
And again: "raise the great roar [of applause] for him."[4]
Hyperides has used the [word]
r(o/qios in reference to very intense rowing. So he says, "they were panic-stricken at the multitude of those rowing and the roar of their oar-strokes and the size of the ship."[5]
"The crashing of oar-strokes and the neighing of horses echoed against each other": Arrian says this.[6] And elsewhere the same [writes]: "cruising past one row of hoplites holding their shields before them, with much crashing and at the same time with all kinds giving orders together very close to the bridge/platform which had constantly been created."[7]
And elsewhere [sc. the phrase occurs]: "the crashing of the oar-strokes."[8]
*(ro/qion: to\ meta\ yo/fou ku=ma: h)\ r(eu=ma. para\ to\ taxe/ws r(ei=n. shmai/nei kai\ th\n ei)resi/an. kai\ r(oqia/zein, to\ e)re/ssein eu)to/nws. oi( de\ e)s th\n qa/lassan e)mpi/ptontes tou= r(oqi/ou e)neforou=nto. kai\ au)=qis: ai)/resq' au)tw=| polu\ to\ r(o/qion. *(uperi/dhs tw=| r(oqi/w| e)p' ei)resi/as ke/xrhtai suntonwta/ths. fhsi\n ou)=n: to\ me\n ou)=n tw=n e)launo/ntwn plh=qos, kai\ to\n tou= r(oqi/ou yo/fon, kai\ to\ me/geqos tou= ska/fous e)kpeplhgme/noi deinw=s h)=san. ktu/pos te r(oqi/ou kai\ xremetismo\s i(/ppwn a)llh/lois a)ntepata/gei: fhsi\n *)arriano/s: kai\ au)=qis o( au)to/s: stoi=xon e(/na o(plitw=n probeblhme/nwn ta\s a)spi/das, pollw=| tw=| r(oqi/w| kai\ a(/ma cugkeleuome/nw| pantoi/w| e)n xrw=| tou= a)ei\ e)mpepoihme/nou zeu/gmatos paraple/ousai. kai\ au)=qis: th=s ei)resi/as to\ r(o/qion.
[1] The first part of this gloss is paralleled in other lexica; the whole, in a scholion on
Knights 546 (see below). See also
rho 218.
[2] Same gloss in
Photius; and cf.
rho 216.
Histories 2.2, quoted already in part at
kappa 1109.
Knights 546 (web address 1).
Hyperides fr. 157 Jensen, from the lost speech
Concerning Polyeuktos' bid to be general. Unusually, this Suda entry is fuller than Harpokration s.v., which does not include the quotation. In the phrase that introduces it here, Bernhardy attractively suggested
fhsi\ gou=n for the transmitted
fhsi\n ou)=n. (For parallels see e.g. under
nu 86.)
[6] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 62.
[7] Arrian,
Parthica fr. 57. The text is uncertain, notably as regards the word transmitted as a participle in the dative singular,
cugkeleuome/nw| "giving orders together" or (in ms G)
cumporeuome/nw| "advancing together". Roos prints his own emendation to the noun
cugkeleusmw=| ("orders being given together/at the same time" -- unattested elsewhere, but derived from the verb
cugkeleu/w which occurs in
Thucydides), and Jacoby follows this for FGrH 156 F165. Jacoby also prints, as the final word, the indicative
paraple/ousi (from mss GM), rather than Adler's feminine participle
paraple/ousai, from A. The latter would presumably have 'ships' implicit in it, which does not seem right here. LSJ s.v.
paraple/w notes the figurative sense 'escape' but cites only an instance in Attic comedy for it; the present passage would seem to be another.
[8] Evidently quoted from somewhere, but attested only here.
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