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Search results for rho,216 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,216
Translated headword: they guttle; they row noisily
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] they rush in a throng and with a resounding noise and they eat.
Aristophanes [writes]: "how they guttle, o much-esteemed Heracles, like Tragasaean pigs." [sc. The adjective comes] from eating [
trw/gein]. Or from a city.[1]
r(oqia/zein [sc. also means] rowing hard.
Aristophanes in
Babylonians says "row hard for the shore".[2] And elsewhere: "when with the oar-beats a ship speeds under ordered control."[3]
Greek Original:*(roqia/zousin: a)qro/ws kai\ meta\ ktu/pou fwnh=s o(rmw=si kai\ e)sqi/ousin. *)aristofa/nhs: oi(=on r(oqia/zousin, w)= poluti/mhq' *(hra/kleis, w(s tragasai=a ta\ xoi/ria. a)po\ tou= trw/gein. h)\ a)po\ po/lews. *(roqia/zein de\ to\ e)re/ssein eu)to/nws. *)aristofa/nhs *babulwni/ois, kata/gou r(oqia/zwn, fhsi/. kai\ pa/lin: nau=s o(/tan e)k pitu/lwn r(oqia/zh| sw/froni ko/smw|.
cf. generally
rho 215,
rho 217,
rho 218,
rho 219,
rho 220. See also
Photius rho413 Theodoridis (s.v.
Hesychius s.v.
r(oqia/zein, and
Eustathius' comment on
Odyssey 5.412. The word is attested further in ancient comedy (
Cratinus fr. 332 K.-A.,
Hermippus fr. 54 K.-A.). According to
Polyaenus 4.7.6, the technical term for rowing hard was
r(oqi/w| th=| ei)resi/a| plei=n.
[1] An abbreviated version of
Acharnians 807-8 (web address 1), with comment from the
scholia there. Modern scholars see no reason to choose between these alternatives: this is wordplay involving
both the verb
trw/gein, or more exactly
and the city of Tragasai in the Troad (
sic: LSJ s.v. wrongly says Epirus, a misreading of
Hellanicus ap. Steph. Byz).
Aristophanes fr. 85 K.-A. (83 Kock).
Aristophanes fr. 86 K.-A. (84 Kock).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; imagery; military affairs; zoology
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 8 May 2007@18:31:44.
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