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Headword: *(rodw/pidos a)na/qhma
Adler number: rho,211
Translated headword: Rhodopis' dedication, Rhodopis' offering
Vetting Status: high
Many obelisks in Delphi [sc. are so called]. But Apellas of Pontus[1] thinks that [sc. the phrase refers] also to a pyramid in Egypt -- despite the fact that Herodotus refutes the opinion.[2] She was a Thracian by birth, but was enslaved with Aesop to [I]admon[3] of Mytilene, before Charaxos, Sappho's brother, ransomed her. Sappho used to call her Doricha.[4]
Greek Original:
*(rodw/pidos a)na/qhma: o)beli/skoi e)n *delfoi=s polloi/. *)apella=s de\ o( *pontiko\s oi)/etai kai\ e)n *ai)gu/ptw| purami/da, *(hrodo/tou e)le/gxontos th\n do/can. h)=n de\ *qra=|ssa to\ ge/nos, e)dou/leuse de\ su\n *ai)sw/pw| *)/admoni *mitulhnai/w|, e)lutrw/sato de\ au)th\n *xa/racos, o( *sapfou=s a)delfo/s. h( de\ *sapfw\ *dwri/xan au)th\n kalei=.
= Photius rho137, from Pausanias the atticist.
For Rhodopis see already rho 210; also alphaiota 334, chi 99.
[1] (cf. under kappa 2804.) FGrH 266 F8.
[2] See Herodotus 2.134-5 (web address 1)
[3] Name corrected by Porson (on Photius), from the transmitted Admon.
[4] cf. delta 1466 (and see Sappho fr. 202 Lobel-Page).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; biography; definition; geography; historiography; history; poetry; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 20 January 2010@06:56:21.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 20 January 2010@18:12:46.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 21 January 2010@03:12:15.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 25 August 2011@04:20:10.
David Whitehead on 29 October 2013@06:21:01.
Catharine Roth (added a link) on 11 January 2022@17:56:34.


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