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Search results for rho,200 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,200
Translated headword: Rhodogoune
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Wife of Hystaspes, mother of Xerxes and Dareios.
Greek Original:*(rodogou/nh: gunh\ me\n *(usta/spou, *ce/rcou de\ kai\ *darei/ou mh/thr.
= Harpokration (and
Photius) s.v.
Persian royal family, C6 BCE.
The genealogy given here is two-thirds correct, but Xerxes was the son (not the brother) of Dareios I. For Hystaspes, see
upsilon 685.
Keywords: biography; geography; history; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 December 2000@11:05:18.
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