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Search results for rho,166 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,166
Translated headword: to grow stiff, to dance suggestively
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] to be distorted, and to be altogether twisted in shape. But another meaning of
r(iknou=sqai is to become bent in an unseemly way, both in intercourse and in dancing, by bending the pelvis.
Sophocles in
Trackers [sc. uses it in this latter sense].[1]
Greek Original:*(riknou=sqai: to\ die/lkesqai, kai\ pantodapw=s diastre/fesqai kat' ei)=dos. le/getai de\ kai\ r(iknou=sqai to\ kampu/lon gi/nesqai a)sxhmo/nws kai\ kata\ sunousi/an kai\ o)/rxhsin ka/mptonta th\n o)sfu/n. *sofoklh=s *)ixneutai=s.
Same entry in
Photius (rho124 Theodoridis), from Aelius
Dionysius; similar ones elsewhere. For these two senses of the headword verb
r(ikno/omai (denominative from
rho 165) see LSJ s.v.
Sophocles fr. 316 Radt (contextless).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; medicine; meter and music; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 17 September 2010@05:55:50.
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