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Search results for rho,154 in Adler number:
Adler number: rho,154
Translated headword: rhetrai, rhetras
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] covenants, speeches, agreements. But the Tarentines [sc. apply this word to] laws and in effect decrees. Among Spartans a 'rhetra' [is] a law of
Lycurgus, suggesting that its authority is an oracle.[1] But others [sc. call] agreements rhetras, others documents. Also [sc. attested is the term] rhetra-guardians,[2] [meaning] document-guardians.
"The soldiers through whom the rhetra had been promulgated: whichever of them turned tail and went [sc. back] to camp would die a miserable death at the hands of his friends, struck down as if an enemy."[3]
"The oracle says, '[?hear?]' a rhetra of a clear and manifest oracle'".[4]
Greek Original:*(rh=trai: sunqh=kai, lo/goi, o(mologi/ai. *taranti=noi de\ no/mous kai\ oi(=on yhfi/smata. para\ *lakedaimoni/ois r(h/tra *lukou/rgou no/mos, w(s e)k xrhsmou= tiqe/menos. oi( de\ r(h/tras o(mologi/as, oi( de\ suggra/mmata. kai\ r(htrofu/lakas, tou\s suggrammatofu/lakas. oi( de\ stratiw=tai, di' ou(\s proh/|rhto h( r(h/tra, o(/stis au)tw=n ta\ nw=ta stre/yas e)pi\ to\ strato/pedon i)/oi, w(s pole/mios ballo/menos u(po\ tw=n fi/lwn a)lgeinw=s a)poqa/noi. o( de\ xrhsmo\s le/gei, r(h/tran safou=s te kai\ e)nargou=s xrhsmou=.
First part of this entry =
Photius rho110 Theodoridis (s.v.
r(h/tra), with references to similar material elsewhere, e.g.
Platonic Lexicon. See also
Glossarium Italioticum 143 Kassel-Austin. The root is
vrh-, although
vratra is attested in Elean; Chantraine says it can be explained phonetically.
[1] cf. generally
lambda 823,
lambda 824.
[2] Here in the accusative plural, evidently quoted from somewhere (but not independently attested).
[3] Quotation (transmitted, in Adler's view, via the
Excerpta Constantini Porphyrogeniti) unidentifiable.
[4] Again, quotation unidentifiable.
P. Chantraine, Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque, ed. 2, Paris 2009.
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; religion
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 January 2010@07:16:46.
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